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CITZ, IMB Product Catalog

IS24 Full Stack Competition Submission by Braden Mitchell

Table of Contents

Quick Start Guide

  1. Clone the repository and change directory into BRADEN-MITCHELL-IS24-full-stack-competition-req97073/.
  2. Install dependencies by executing npm run init.
  3. Start the servers by executing npm run up.
  4. Open your browser and follow links to Frontend or Backend.

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Code Challenge Details as Posted By BCGov

Original Source:
The following information was recorded on 2023/03/30.


For this code challenge we are asking you to build a Web Application that tracks and manages Web Applications developed by the Province of BC as described by the User Stories below.

In order to move forward to the next part of the competition you must demonstrate knowledge in the following areas of your submission:

  • GitHub Repository
  • Modern Backend API Framework
    • BONUS Swagger Documentation
  • Modern Frontend Web Application Framework
    • 3 user stories providing basic functionality BONUS 2 user stories providing a search for product resource names
  • Basic Documentation on how to effortlessly run your solution components on a local development machine
    • This includes basic npm or docker commands required to have your solution stood up on any workstation
    • ASSUMPTIONS! The marking panel for this assignment will have basic development tools installed on their workstations such as node, npm, docker. If your solution requires any other frameworks or languages to be present on a workstation in order for your solution to work, please provide basic instructions on how to install your tech stack before trying to build and run your web application.


  • Read the Code Challenge Context, User Stories and Assessment Scoring for this challenge carefully. Development of the functionality described in these sections is what you are being marked against.

  • Only solutions that build and run without warning or error will be considered, or solutions that take minimal effort to troubleshoot and resolve errors at build/runtime to move forward to the next step of this competition.

  • This code challenge does not require a database to accomplish your solution. In memory data storage or mock-data is highly encouraged.

  • BONUS Swagger Documentation that allows a developer with no knowledge of your Web Application API to integrate with the endpoints that you have developed

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What to Submit

GitHub Repository

Create a GitHub repository using your GitHub Account. The name of the repository should use the following convention:


Your working solution should be present on the main branch of the repository. Please trim or remove any extraneous branches prior to submission.

Your submission to the marking panel should come in the form of a link to the repository you have created with your working solution.

Please send the final copy of your solution via a link to your repository in an email .

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API Component

The API component should use a modern framework or language (of your choice) to create API endpoints utilized by the Frontend component. All endpoints should originate from http://localhost:3000/api

EDIT March 27, 2023

Example A GET endpoint to retrieve a product with a specific product id


End of EDIT

User Authentication/Authorization is not required for the purposes of your solution.

Your API should include at minimum the following functionality:

  • A health endpoint that returns a http 200 response indicating your component is healthy
  • All GET, POST, PUT and DELETE endpoints return the proper response codes when consumed

Sample JSON Schema

        "productId": 0,
        "productName": "VALUE",
        "productOwnerName": "VALUE",
        "developers": [
        "scrumMasterName": "VALUE",
        "startDate": "YYYY/MM/DD",
        "methodology": "VALUE"

Pre-populate a JSON object within your solution with up to 40 sample products. This will not be provided for your solution. Use of a random generator is encouraged.

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BONUS - Swagger Documentation

All API endpoints that created in order to develop the required frontend application functionality should be documented via Swagger.

The Swagger documentation should be consumed by anyone building the product on their local workstation at http://localhost:3000/api/api-docs.

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Frontend Component

This component should be developed using a modern javascript framework (of your choice). This component should utilize endpoints developed in your API solution to provide your Frontend component with basic CRUD actions described in the user stories provided.

This component should be comprised of a basic table or data table that displays information related to the Web Applications being listed.

BONUS Two user stories outlining a search on data that is present in the basic table will be asked.

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Code Challenge Context

The BC Government Ministry of Citizens' Services Information Management Branch (IMB) is currently trying to catalog current modern web applications in GitHub, as well as new products that are coming up in the future. Currently there are 40 products marked for modernization that need to be cataloged, as well as 3 products that are either actively being developed or in a maintenance lifecycle.

Product owners have expressed the desire to communicate to the branch where these products are housed (GitHub Repository).

The user base for this application will include a wide array of technical skills, therefore making this application as simple as possible to display, create and edit information is being stressed by the IMB Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

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Lisa A director within IMB that is fairly new to the branch, but has worked with BC Government for 10+ years. She has experience with software development products as she was previously a Product Owner for a product that had a successful production launch. She currently manages Service Design and SCRUM Master resources, and would like to know at a glance who is resourced on what product. She understands Agile philosophy and knows that a solution may take many iterations to achieve a desired state of functionality.

Alan A DevOps resource that has worked for IMB for the last 3 Years. He has worked on many products, including from inception to maintenance lifecycles for IMB, setting up deployment pipelines and integrating technologies into products that help increase developer velocity. He actively engages the developer community to understand their ever changing needs from product to product. Alan is currently looking to build a tool that allows product owners/stakeholders within IMB to understand resource utilization across all products within IMB to help avoid developer/resource burn-out.

Both IMB Employees are looking for a tool that offers all users within IMB easily digestible data based on the breadth and depth of the many products they currently develop and maintain, as well as products that are on the horizon for IMB. Displaying exactly the right amount of information at a glance is paramount to both Lisa and Alan.

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User Stories

User Story One
As Lisa, I want to see a list of all products that IMB currently develops or maintains in a list view.

Given that I don't need to be an authorized user
When I navigate to the application landing page
I can see a list of all products within IMB
And all relevant information related to each product

  • Product Number
  • Product Name
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • Developer Names (up to 5)
  • Start Date
  • Methodology (Agile or Waterfall)

Acceptance Criteria

  • All columns fit on the page
  • I can see a title for each column
  • I can see a total number of all products at IMB

User Story Two
As Lisa, I want to be able to add a product to the list of products that IMB is developing or maintaining.

Given that I am on the product view list
When I click add new product call to action button
Then I am able to answer the following questions on a form:

  • Product Name
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • Developer Names (up to 5)
  • Start Date
  • Methodology (Agile or Waterfall)

Acceptance Criteria

  • Product number generated is automatic, and doesn't collide with previously generated product IDs
  • User must answer all questions in order to save
  • Click on save button

User Story Three
As Alan, I want to be able to add or edit product related information so that I can ensure that product data is accurate.

Given that I don't need to be an authorized user
When I am on the list page and I click on an edit button
Then I am able to edit the following fields:

  • Product Name
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • Developer Names (up to 5)
  • Methodology (Agile or Waterfall)

EDIT March 27, 2023

Acceptance Criteria

  • Call to action button for saving exits
  • I can see my changes saved immediately
  • Data created or edited is persistent through the event of a page refresh

End of EDIT

BONUS User Story Four
As Lisa, I want to search for a specific Scrum Master name so that I can see all of the products that they are currently working on.

Given that I don't need to be an authorized user
When I am on the list view page
Then I can search for a specific person in the Scrum Master role

Acceptance Criteria

  • All columns fit on the page
  • I can see a title for each column
  • I can see a total number of all products the Scrum Master is in
  • The only products listed include the Scrum Master Name

BONUS User Story Five
As Alan, I want to search for a specific Developer name so that I can see all of the products that they are currently working on.

Given that I don't need to be an authorized user
When I am on the list view page
I can search for a specific developer

Acceptance Criteria

  • All columns fit on the page
  • I can see a title for each column
  • I can see a total number of all products the Developer being searched for is working on
  • Only products where the developer is assigned to are shown

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Assessment Scoring

GitHub Repository Component

Rating Criteria
Pass/Acceptable * Organized, easy to read
  * Documentation when required
  * Solution is present on main branch of repository
  * Extraneous branches removed/trimmed from repo
Fail/Unacceptable * Any of the requirements of Pass/Acceptable are not met

Backend API Component

Rating Criteria
Pass/Acceptable * RESTful
  * Endpoints return http responses required for given CRUD actions
  * Basic commenting of your solution
Fail/Unacceptable * More than one requirement of Pass/Acceptable are not met

BONUS - API Swagger Documentation

Rating Criteria
Pass/Acceptable * Swagger documentation present for all endpoints developed, and served at http://localhost:3000/api/api-docs
Fail/Unacceptable * Swagger Documentation is incomplete or not present

Frontend Component

Rating Criteria
Pass/Acceptable * Microservice component
  * Functional or Class based component design based on requirement
  * Appropriate naming of components, elements, classes, etc.
  * Basic error handling when interacting with API (ex// API is not present or healthy)
  * Basic commenting of your solution
  * Utilizes API to perform required GET, PUT, POST or DELETE actions when required (3 of 4 CRUD actions is acceptable)
  * Acceptance criteria for User Story 1 is complete
  * Acceptance criteria for User Story 2 is complete
  * Acceptance criteria for User Story 3 is complete
  * BONUS Acceptance criteria for User Story 4 is complete
  * BONUS Acceptance criteria for User Story 5 is complete
Fail/Unacceptable * More than one requirement of Pass/Acceptable are not met (bonus user stories excluded)

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