A Grim Gory Picture of Mobile Device Deluge and Cyber Crimes
- National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal, www.cybercrime.gov.in has been launched by the Government to enable citizens to online report complaints pertaining to all types of cyber crimes with special focus on cyber crimes against women and children.
- Complaints reported on this portal are attended by the respective Law Enforcement Authorities of States. A nation-wide helpline number [155260] is also made functional to help public in filing complaints through the portal.
- The Government has published a handbook for Adolescents/Students on Cyber Safety, in order to make them aware about various types of cyber crimes and how to protect themselves from such crimes.
- The handbook is available on www.mha.gov.in and www.cybercrime.gov.in. The handbook is also shared on NCERT website by Ministry of Education.
- https://www.unicef.org/india/where-we-work/kerala
- http://www.annalsofcommunityhealth.in/ojs/index.php/AoCH/article/view/265
- https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/thiruvananthapuram/2019/jan/22/clicking-their-way-to-danger-1928701.html
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/chiri-exposes-mobile-phone-addiction-of-children/article32888891.ece
- https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/kerala-s-first-internet-de-addiction-clinic-inaugurated-here-s-how-it-will-help-88890
- https://www.ibtimes.co.in/kerala-woman-commits-suicide-after-husband-seizes-her-mobile-phone-over-whatsapp-facebook-addiction-650484