This repository consists of only scripts related to 2D falling blocks It consists of 5 scripts namely Difficulty.cs, FallingBlock.cs, GameOver.cs, PlayerController.cs, Spawner.cs Short functionality descriptions of these scripts as follows: 1: Difficulty.cs-It consists of logic that how game difficulty will increase with respect to time. Game difficulty depends on number of blocks spawning randomly, amount of time after which difficulty level will increase, and speed of blocks.
2:FallingBlock.cs-This script controls the random speed, direction , and destroy falling blocks when goes beyond the screen.
3:GameOver.cs-It handles the Game Over UI as well as restart inputs when player is dead.
4:PlayerController.cs- It controls player inputs, movement functionalities and some creative stuffs as well as what happens when it collides with falling blocks.
5:Spawner.cs-It spawns the falling blocks size and angle randomly as well as time at which they instantiate.