This project is a rewardsystem for the company jstack. When the employees complete an assignment outside of work, they get x amount of points. With those point they can claim a prize.
To get the rewards:
POST / DELETE actions will not work if you don't have a user token!!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone this repository
using SSH:
git clone
using HTTPS:
git clone
Install npm packages
npm install --save
Run with angular
ng serve
- Bram Bleys - BramBleys
- Bram Van Bergen - BramVanBergen
- Kim Moelants - KimMoelants
- Robbert Van Hove - robbertvanhove
- Tim Swerts - TimSwerts
Blue: #333d47
Darkblue: #283038
Orange: #F49900
Green: #71b643
Lightblue: #08ace1