A collection of sample code and utilities relating to CP/M. CP/M programming languages and software are available from a variety of sources. This mostly contains some example programs in various languages I've run.
I am using CP/M 2.2 running on a simulated Z-80 from the Sim-CPU simulator.
This will be a list of pointers to other sources of CP/M software, utilities, and documentation.
- Retrocomputing Archive - A large source of CP/M (and other software)
- HUMONGOUS CP/M Software Archives - Another large archive
- CP/M Sources - Assembler source for CP/M 2.2 can be found here
- ASxxxx - A large collection of assemblers and linker that run on the host system. I used this to build the CP/M binary that then gets written to the disk image.
- cpmtools - A collection of tools for working with CP/M disk images.
- CP/M Compilers - A collection of a bunch of different compilers for CP/M with some benchmark programs