A fun interactive pet monster that will keep you company and that you can take care of. Having a monster to care for can give you a sense of responsibility and belonging. Can bring a feeling of nostalgia to some and a fun new companion for children.
- installation
- usage
- credits
- license
- how-to-contribute
- questions
To install necessary dependencies, run the following command: npm run i
Live Deployment: https://radiant-garden-89222.herokuapp.com/
- Anthony Cedrone - Concept, original artwork and animation, UI styling, front-end functionality, back-end functionality
- Brian Chapman - Color palette, UI styling, front-end functionality, back-end functionality, database models
- Colin Deery - UI styling, component building, front-end functionality
- Layne Nigro - Front- end functionality, back-end functionality, UI styling
This project is licensed under the MIT license. https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/
To contribute to our application, please reach out to us via email at Antcedrone952@gmail.com, Chapman.brian86@gmail.com, Colinbdeery@gmail.com, Laynenigro@gmail.com.
Githin Profile links: https://github.com/antced, https://github.com/BrianSChapman, https://github.com/ColinDeery, https://github.com/LayneNi
For any additional questions please reach out to us via email at Antcedrone95gmail.com, Chapman.brian86@gmail.com, Colinbdeery@gmail.com, Laynenigro@gmail.com