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Todd edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 9 revisions

Getting Started

CDMBridge is an electron app for crosswalking and exporting CONTENTdm metadata. It also provides the option of exporting files from CONTENTdm. CDM Bridge connects to the CONTENTdm API and presents a custom crosswalking interface for each collection. Metadata specialists may use the application to generate lists of field values for cleanup and normalization prior to migration. When a collection is ready for migration CDM Bridge generates a CSV, with or without the files from CONTENTdm, that may be used to ingest the collection into Hyku with HyBridge.

CDMBridge is available for Windows (.exe) and Mac (.dmg). Once you download the installer, open it and allow it to install. Depending on your computer’s settings, you might be asked to trust opening a downloaded application, say yes. Once it is installed, click the CDMBridge icon within your applications folder to open the app.

Note: Currently If you have an older version of CDMBridge your preferences and crosswalks will still exist if you upgrade to the newest version. However it is possible in the future a 2.0 might be released that would break certain features, if this occurs, we will alert users via Release Notes. (for more information regarding semantic versioning: )


You will be prompted with the preferences window upon first opening the app. It is divided into two parts:


If you are using a hosted instance of CONTENTdm, plug in your info as:

CDM Bridge Preferences screenshot / 443 / Yes to SSL

with XXXXX being your contentDM hosted instance number. If you use a local instance of CONTENTdm, confirm with admin or library IT what this info should be.

Export Fields

The second tab of the preference window is the fields with which you want to export into. By default the 16 fields of a Generic Work in Hyrax/Hyku are present. There are several possible reasons to edit these fields:

  • Initial Analysis: It’s possible you’ve downloaded CDMBridge to more easily analyze your CONTENTdm metadata as a whole, in which case you might want to do no crosswalking at all and simply align the export fields to your current schema.
  • Targeted Analysis: CDMBridge is a great tool for pulling out specific metadata fields for study or remediation. Minimizing the number of export fields you see in each collection can improve efficiency.
  • New Platform, New Schema: If you already have a new metadata schema in place for your migration, you should align the export fields to that schema.

Req. - This checkbox allows you to make a field required. A required field requires a crosswalk mapping and every object that has it missing will create a line in the error log. The requirement of a field is not translated onto the CSV in any way. The default required fields are those required by Hyrax/Hyku’s generic worktype. Note: required fields is only concerned with object-level metadata and will not trigger an error at the item-level.

Reset - This button will always reset to the default 16 fields and 4 requireds fields. This is helpful once you have done initial or targeted analysis and want to go back to status quo. Caution - you can only have one version of your export fields at a time, so a reset will be permanent.

Main Screen

Collections - The main screen of CDMBridge shows your CONTENTdm collections on the left and the cross-walking map to the right. The collections list will show every collection in your CDM, whether it is publicly visible or not.

Export Field - These are the metadata fields that will become the column headers within the export csv. They are editable in the preferences window as mentioned above.

Item Level - This checkbox allows any metadata attached to the item-level for compound objects in CONTENTdm to be pulled out and placed in the CSV. By default CDMBridge only pulls out the filename. Item-level metadata is not required and will not output any errors.

CDM Field - The dropdown in this column will show you every metadata field in the selected collection. Once you have chosen a mapping, you will not be able to crosswalk that field to another export field. You can create many-to-one mappings by clicking the “+” button

Export Collection

This dropdown is how to create the CSV of your metadata.

Metadata Only - This will create a CSV, and possibly an error log if applicable, with the name you select during export.

Metadata and Files - This will create a folder with the same name as the CSV, with the files, CSV, and errorlog if applicable, within it.

Errorlog - An error log will be created whenever there are missing required fields for objects. Each error is a separate line, however it is recommended you open the .txt file in a word processor or text editors that shows line breaks, ie: NOT NOTEPAD.

View/Toggle Developer Tools

If any errors or issues arise with the CDMBridge application, screenshotting the log within the developer tool view is the best way to see what occured

About CDMBridge

This tells you what version of CDMbridge you currently have running.