Fit a Mixture-of-Agents Hidden Markov Model (MoA-HMM) described in the preprint Dynamic reinforcement learning reveals time-dependent shifts in strategy during reward learning.
Documentation is a work in progress
For questions, email
From the terminal/command line, clone the repository in the current directory with:
git clone
Or download ZIP and extract in desired directory.
After cloning, also from the terminal/command line, cd
into the MixtureAgentsModels
directory and start julia by specifying the current folder as the project location:
julia --project=.
or, if outside of the MixtureAgentsModels
julia --project=PATH/TO/YOUR/MixtureAgentsModels
Once in julia, enter the package manager by pressing ]
and type the following command to install the package in the project folder:
pkg > instantiate
or, without using the package manager:
julia > using Pkg
julia > Pkg.instantiate()
This will only install the package within the project folder, so to use the package via using MixtureAgentsModels
, you must first start julia by specifying the project folder as shown above. If you cloned the repository, using the command git pull
will update the package.
To install the package globally, start julia and enter the package manager by pressing ]
. To install, enter the following command:
pkg > add
or, without using the package manager:
julia > using Pkg
julia > Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url=""))
To update the package, enter the package manager using ]
and type the command
pkg > update
See the example_fit_HMM.jl
script in the examples directory for example model MoA-HMM fits to the two-step task and command descriptions.
uses an experimental model that combines a MoA with psytrack ( and should not be used in a serious capacity.
The task data struct GenericData
contained in generic_task.jl
in the tasks directory contains the minimum features necessary to work with model-free agents. The example script example_load_data.jl
points to two example files (a .csv
and .mat
) that can be used as skeletons for loading in your own data, as well as listing compatible agents with the GenericData struct. Additional fields can be added for compatibility with other agents. You may want to fork the repository first if you want to easily commit changes.
Documentation for adding your own task or agent/agents is a work in progress. You may want to fork the repository first if you want to easily commit changes.
To add your own agent, see the documentation of EXAMPLE_agent.jl
in the agents directory for requisite struct fields and functions. Save your new agent as its own julia script in the same agents
To add your own task, see the documentation of generic_task.jl
in the tasks directory for requisite struct fields and loading examples. Save your new task as its own julia script in the same tasks
Any agent or task needs to be exported and its file added to the module definition script MixtureAgentsModels.jl
. To export a new agent or task, add a line near the existing agents and/or tasks.
export EXAMPLEAgent # for your agent struct
export EXAMPLEData # for your task struct
If you have a custom loading function for your task struct, similarly export that function:
export load_example_task # or however you named the function
Finally, add the scripts containing the code for your new agents and/or tasks near the end of module script near existing agents and tasks: