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Encoding Notes

Elli Mylonas edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Comments from the templates:

  <!-- *************************************  <publicationStmt>  *********************************
                Used to group information about the publication and permissions of a work. All files will have an IIP copyright
                statement, which is stored in an external file called include_publicationStmt.xml. In the future, if an inscription has 
                special copyright or permissions, we can add more information after the included file.
                <idno>: Repeat the value that is in <title>.
                @xml:id is the IIP number. 
      <!--  *************************************  <msDesc>  ********************************* 
                       repeat the id number here. This is an Epidoc convention.

next to textLang

                 <!-- religion here? -->
                        <!--  *************************************  <handDesc>  ********************************* 
                            Contains information about types of writing and means of inscription.
                            <handNote> is a repeatable element, so that it can handle more than one type of writing. 
                            @ana has one or more values from the writing taxonomy. 
                            Any more specific information is contained inside <handNote>. If there is more than one type of writing, 
                             add @hands (<handDesc hands="2">).
                            Letter height information goes in <handDesc>, insde a <dimension> element. 
                        <!--  *************************************  <decoDesc>  *********************************
                            US Epigraphy doesn't use this much yet, but this is where information about any decorations will go.
                            <decoNote> is a repeatable element, so that it can handle more than one decoration. 
                               @type has one  or more values from the decoration taxonomy, and any more specific information 
                               is contained inside <decoNote>
             <change> Any change to the file should be recorded here, with most recent revisions listed at the top of the list. 
             @when Dates should be in the format YYYYY-MM-DD.
             @who Type in your name. 
             The content of <change> can be a short description of what changes were made, for example:
                initial encoding; update original US Ep. values to P5 values; corrected xx; etc.
        Used to point to images of an inscription. 
          <graphic> (directly within <facsimile>) Use this if there is only a single "main" image without a special caption.
          <surface> Use <desc> and <graphic> within <surface> if there are mutiple images or if they have captions. <surface>
          pairs one or more images with a single caption. Usually, in US Ep. captions are only indicated when the image is of a detail.
          @url contains the name of the image file (no path or directory information, for now).
        <facsimile> can have more than one <graphic> or <surface>.
            <!-- figure out how include linking mechanism to link divs to bibl.  add a ref inside an ab inside the div-->