This is a collection of dotfiles for my personal use. I do not update the documentation, but I do update the code.
I now use a MacBook with the following:
My 2020 Rice Setup. No, I don't actually use my setup like this everyday.
This is outdated, but when I have time I will update everything. I have learned so much about vim these weeks.
Rice for arch Linux. i3 as my window manager and picom as the compositor.
Currently, all this repo has all my files for my config, but I am working to improve it more.
Screenshot tool: flameshot
Shell: zsh
Mail client: neomutt
Font: Meslo LG M DZ for Powerline
Terminal Emulator: Alacritty
Overall theme is from Gruvbox.
skeleton.tex comes from:
Running programs: neovim, zathura, feh, tmux, neofetch, gotop, cmus,, vis, firefox and better Discord