I used mongodb + express + nodejs with babel js to use es6 syntax, this solution was thinked because mongodb and document oriented databases are easy to create new schemas of data, i am using mongoose ODM too.
I am using a array of routes and schemas to create mongodb documents.
First of all: Dependencies
- Javascript dependencies are listed on package.json
- node.js v6+
- npm
- mongodb
- if you want to see the data stored install robomongo 3t too
- docker (next version)
How to run this application?
npm install && npm start
How to run tests of this application?
npm test
How to run this application in docker?
next version
How use this application?
- Postman or other
- dependencies installed
- Please send all data as json in the request body
Create a crud from a domain
Content-Type: application/json
request to http://localhost:8080
with request body in json like this:
"domain":"customer", //REQUIRED
"firstName": {
"type": "String", //REQUIRED,
"required": "Entre com o primeiro nome" //OPTIONAL
"lastName": {
"type": "String", //REQUIRED,
"required": "Entre com o ultimo nome" //OPTIONAL
"email": {
"type": "String"
"company": {
"type": "String"
"phone": {
"type": "String"
This example will create this endpoints
/customer - List all customer
/customer/{id} - Search customer by id
/customer - Create a new customer
/customer/{id} - Edit a customer
/customer/{id} - Delete a customer by id
- string, decimal, float, date and integer
- Content-type must be application/json