Workflow guide for DevDeck Backend team
Make a fork of the repo.
Clone the repo to your local drive.
git clone<your-github-username>/e-Care-Be.git
replace with your personal github username where you have your fork.
Set the main repo as upstream on your local drive
git remote add upstream
Create a new branch for each of your features out of the staging branch,
git checkout -b (name-of-branch)
Install all dependencies for the project by running this code on your terminal...
npm i
Create a new file in the root directory of the clone with name .env and copy the content of .env copy into it.
Update the .env file with your own preferred environment variables.
If your database doesn't exists yet, create a database with the command:
npx sequelize db:create
Run the prepared migrations with:
npx sequelize db:migrate
Finally, start your server with nodemon
npm run dev
ESLint has been set-up on the project so make sure to follow lint rules for a neat code base to be achieved.
Run the following command to check for lint issues after writing your code and fix as appropriate
npm run lint
Make sure to commit with a simple but meaningful commit message to aid proper team work flow.
Push your codes to the new branch on your forked remote upstream repository
git push origin (name-of-branch)
it is not just about the code, user workflow matters too!!
A good commit message would look something like this...
feat: Make login check for email and password
Remember to always pull from upstreamfor us to avoid merge conflicts use the git command line
git pull upstream develop