First download pbrp-10.0 tree:
repo init --depth=1 -u git:// -b android-10.0
Then add these projects to .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml (If you don't have it, you can add them to .repo/manifest.xml):
<project name="Bush-cat/android_device_samsung_gts7xl-pbrp" path="device/samsung/gts7xl" remote="github" revision="main" />
<project name="Bush-cat/android_kernel_samsung_sm8250" path="kernel/samsung/sm8250" remote="github" revision="lineage-18.1" />
<project path="prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-proton" name="kdrag0n/proton-clang" remote="github" revision="master" clone-depth="1"/>
Now you can sync your source:
repo sync --force-sync
Finally execute these:
. build/
export LC_ALL=C
lunch omni_gts7xl-eng
# there will be lots of PATH errors, ignore them
mka recoveryimage
Kernel Source:
Big Thanks to ianmacd and all the people who made the sources for twrp_gts7xl, on which this tree is heavily based.