Releases: ButterCMS/buttercms-php
Add Autodeploy of SDK
Add automatic deployment of SDK to packagist
Add return type hint
Merge pull request #12 from stevenmaguire/sm-add-return-type-hint Add return type hint to ButterCMS\Model\Model::jsonSerialize to suppress deprecation warning
Add support for Write API operations
New models for the Collections domain,
New model for Write API status response (related to async processing),
First-party support for Write API operations under the Pages, Blog Engine, and Collections domains,
Getters and setters for the Read and Write Guzzle clients (to aid in debugging),
Improved code formatting meeting PSR2 and PSR12 standards,
No expected breaking changes for backwards compatibility,
Redundant code changes that were proposed in another, now closed PR: #10.
Updates minimum PHP version to 8.0
Adding GZIP header by default
Add gzip header to requests to benefit from compressed response payloads.
Adding published and updated fields which are now returned via the API to Page model.
Guzzle 7 support
2.4.0 Bump version for Guzzle 7 support
Add support for featured_image_alt
2.3.4 Adding featured_image_alt support
Adding page_type for Pages
Minor update that supports the new page_type attribute returned for Pages.