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Instructions to submit your weekly session summaries

Sofia Papastamkou edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 4 revisions

This is an assignment for the Master en histoire européenne contemporaine - MAHEC-66: Introduction to digital history


  1. Create you own (free) account on GitHub
  2. Send your account name and communicate it to us via this link To access the document, you will need to provide a password (provided by email from us).
  3. Once we have your account, we will add you as collaborators to a repository specifically created for our course. You will then be notified on the email address that is associated to your GH user account that you received an invitation. Please accept the invitation.


GitHub is a code repository used mainly by developers but can be useful also for any collaborative project based on sets of data submitted or directly created on the platform. GitHub is based on git, a technology that allows multilateral decentralized access to a given project, and tracking of its multiple versions in a way that enhances and facilitates collaborative work involving many contributing parties.

Our repository on GitHub

A project = a repository that any user can open. If multiple collaborators need to access the same project, they need a) to have GitHub user accounts b) access to the repository of the project, granted by the administrator.

Repository URL Our repository is here: - if you read this page, you are actually in it!


Sarah Simpkin, "Getting Started with Markdown," Programming Historian 4 (2015),

How to contribute to the repository

You are going to contribute to two folders of the project

  • /_people
  • /_objects

Create your bio file

In /people you must create a file with your metadata and description as collaborator of the project.
Click on /people to go in the folder.

Then, from the GH main interface, go to Add file and select + Create new file First you need to name your file. Please follow this naming convention: [first name]-[last name].md (do not forget to add the extension .md!!!). Then go to the main box in front of you, you are in mode "Edit" (next to "Preview"). Enter the following zone as it is:

id: firstname-familyname  
category: class 
group: collaborator
ordering: familyname
subheading: Student
title: fullname OR Student + initials (initial of firstname + initial of lastname) 

[Description of the person here] 

Create your summaries file

Template of the summary file

title: Session Summaries by Name-of-Contributor
abstract: 'Bla bla bla'
  - person-id
date: YYYY-MM-DD

## [Title of the session], [date of the session]
<!--one to two paragraphs of text summarizing the session-->

<!-- create such a section for each weekly summary-->