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2767mr edited this page May 16, 2023 · 8 revisions

Folder Structure

  • folder name: lowercase and separated with dashes

    Folder Name Example

  • folder content: mod.js, package.json, and (optionally) definitions.db

    Folder Content Example


This file must exist or your mod will not load

    // Recommend
    "name": "notSoCoolModName",
    "ccmodHumanName": "Cool Mod Name",
    "description": "Does cool stuff",
    "main": "mod.js",
    // Optional
    "table": "definitions.db",
    "version": "1.0.0",

    "ccmodDependencies": {
        // example key values

        // built-in 
        "ccloader": "^1.0.0",
        "crosscode": "^1.1.0"

     // Not recommended for beginners
     "assets": []


  • name - A string representing the internal name of your mod. If none is specified, then the folder name is used instead.

  • ccmodHumanName - A string representing the displayed name of your mod. If none is specified, then the name field is used.

  • description - A brief description about the mod.

  • main - a path to the JavaScript file to be executed when your mod is ran. NOTE: There is no expressed limit, but it is recommend to keep names shorter than 20 characters.

  • table - the list of definitions the mod depends on.

    NOTE: There is no expressed limit of characters, but the shorter the better. NOTE: If any of the dependency checks fail then the mod will not load.

  • ccmodDependencies - A list of dependencies including other mods ccloader and crosscode or vanilla DLC post-game, manlea, ninja-skin, fish-gear, flying-hedgehag, scorpion-robo, snowman-tank

  • version - See for more information

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