"highway_task" folder contains the task. Follow the instructions in the readme file in the folder to install and run the task.
1_install_env: install required packages (requires setuptools==62.6.0 & wheel==0.38.0).
2_dqn_train_exp_iter: trains a DQN model
3_dqn_collect_batch: generate behaviors using a DQN model
4_run_highway_AIRL: AIRL for the data from DQN
5_data_to_traj: generate state-action trajectories from the task data
6_run_AIRL_data: AIRL for the data from experiments
descriptive_analysis_final: shows the correlation between BIS and behavioral task measures
IRL_group: shows the model fit of the AIRL models
IRL_raw_reward: illustrates the IRL rewards in simplified state spaces
reward_trajectory: illustrates the IRL reward trajectories for overtaking and crashing