If you are looking for a Windows or Mac based CF development environment your best option is the CFDev project.
This project was created because at this time CFDev does not run on Linux (cfdev issue #18)
- Intel Linux system (with root privileges using sudo)
- RAM: 8 GB
- Disk: 80 GB
It was developed/tested using Manjaro Linux, but it should run on any other modern distribution.
- git client (usually available on Linux distributions)
- BOSH CLI - https://bosh.io/docs/cli-v2-install/
- CF CLI - https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/cf-cli/install-go-cli.html
- Virtual Box - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Open a terminal.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/CCSGroupInternational/cf-linux-lab-setup
cd CCSGroupInternational
The following scripts will create 2 VBoxes, the first is just connected during the staging, the VM that will run the BOSH(lite) director and the CF components.
WARNING: Depending on your bandwidth, disk and CPU the deployment may take from 30 mins to 2 hours. It will be much faster on re-deployments as most downloaded and compiled artifacts are cached.
scripts/bosh-lite-director-install.sh # Install BOSH(lite) director into a VirtualBox VM
scripts/cf-deployment-lite-install.sh # Install CF into the BOSH lite VM
Once the CF Deployment is finished you can login and deploy apps using the "CF" CLI:
cf api https://api.bosh-lite.com --skip-ssl-validation
cf auth admin $(bosh int ~/workspace/cf-deployment/state/cf-deployment-vars.yml --path /cf_admin_password)
If you shutdown or reboot the Virtual VM the BOSH(ite) environment will be lost, the recommended practice it's to suspend the VM when finishing your lab activities.
This limitation and how to fix it is docummented at bosh-cck.md .
If you exit the terminal that was used for the initial install of the lab, you will need to setup the environment so that you can interact witht he BOSH/CF APIs:
source scripts/bosh_env.sh # Setup BOSH environment variables