The lab materials are partially borrowed from UC Berkerly cs294
In this homework, we solve MDPs with finte state and action space via value iteration, policy iteration, and tabular Q-learning.
Markov Decision Process is a discrete time stochastic control process. At each time step, the process is in some state s
, and the decision maker may choose any action a
that is available in state s
. The process responds at the next time step by randomly moving into a new state s'
, and giving the decision maker a corresponding reward R(s,a,s')
image borrowed from UCB CS188
- Python 3.5.3
- OpenAI gym
- numpy
- matplotlib
- ipython
All the codes you need to modified are in Lab2-MDPs.ipynb
We encourage you to install Anaconda or Miniconda in your laptop to avoid tedious dependencies problem.
for lazy people:
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate cedl
# deactivate when you want to leave the environment
source deactivate cedl
If you are unfamiliar with Numpy or IPython, you should read materials from CS231n:
Start IPython: After you clone this repository and install all the dependencies, you should start the IPython notebook server from the home directory Open the assignment: Open Lab1-MDPs (students).ipynb, and it will walk you through completing the assignment.
- [30%] value iteration
- [30%] policy iteration
- [30%] tabular Q-learning
- [10%] report
- [5%] Bonus, share you code and what you learn on github or yourpersonal blogs, such as this
- Deadline: 10/26 23:59, 2017
- Office hour 2-3 pm in 資電館711 with Yuan-Hong Liao.
- Contact for bugs report or any questions.
- If you stuck in the homework, here are some nice material that you can take it a look 😄