The notebook contains all the useful types of plots, classifications and syntax on how to use them
Datasets Used:
- bike_share.csv
- college_data.csv
- countries-of-the-world.csv
- daily_show_guests_cleaned.csv
- insurance_premiums.csv
- mpg.csv
- schoolimporovement2010grants.csv
- student-alcohol-consumption.csv
- young-people-survey-response.csv
- Distribution Plot with types like kde, rug, fill, cdfe
- Regression Plot using regplot and lmplot
- Relational Plots
- Scatter Plot
- Line Plot
- Categorical Plots
- Count Plot
- Box Plot
- Point Plot
- Joint Grid and Joint Plot : The Ultimate Plot
- Styling the plot using set and set_style
- Removing axes using despine
- Generating and plotting color palettes using color_palette and palplot
- Styling the axes for labels, limits using set and plt.subplots()
- Plot titles, labels and rotations using xticks(rotate=90)