provides an easy-to-use and extensible architecture for
generating linkage quality reports in R. It simplifies the process of
evaluating and reporting on the quality of data linkage.
This package aims to provide a comprehensive tool for data linkers to assess the quality of their linkage processes, while also helping data providers and researchers understand linkage errors and evaluate potential biases.
Reports generated with linkrep
can be customized to fit your specific
Add new elements: Include additional tables, figures, sections or data as required
Modify content: Customize written portions, including the Methods section, to better reflect your specific linkage processes
Personalize appearance: Adjust the report’s background, layout and styles to tailor the report to your needs
Summary: Overview of the Methods section and results
How to Read This Report: Provides recommendations on how to interpret the tables and figures to assess for potential biases
Linkage Rate Summary: Includes the linkage rate table which stratifies linkage rates by sociodemographic factors and other characteristics
Linkage Algorithm Summary: If provided, includes tables and figures describing the linkage algorithm and its quality
Background: Describes record linkage, how it’s performed, and its limitations
Methods: Details the linkage process, including pre-processing and techniques used
# install.packages("pak")
# You may need to install tinytex:
# install.packages("tinytex")
# tinytex::install_tinytex()
Navigate to Releases on the right-hand side of the GitHub page and select the most recent release. Download the Source code (zip) file, then run the following code to complete installation:
# Select the unmodified package you downloaded from GitHub:
pkg_path <- file.choose()
# You may need to install tinytex:
# install.packages("tinytex")
# tinytex::install_tinytex()
For detailed instructions on formatting data for the report and customizing features, refer to the User Documentation