Log for studying TypeScript, Node.js and MongoDB.
- This will be the fundamental basis of the first ELICE web project supposed to be 5/23~6/5.
The subject that will be inspected would be as followed:
- Week 1: TypeScript, Interface, Generic, Decorator
- Week 2: Node.js, Express.js, REST API, Mongoose, Mongo DB and Relational DB
- Week 3: Implementation of functions such as sign in, sign up and API server.
Why do we need TypeScript instead of JavaScript?
- Primitive Types
Array, Tuple, Enum, Any, Void
- Interface & Generic
Optional Property, Readonly Property etc
Javascript can do more than client side programming!
- JS in Web Browser for Rich Internet Application
- Single Thread vs Multi Thread
- Blocking vs Non-Blocking
NodeJS is a revolutionary platform for Javascript
- JS is now able to program server side!
- JavaScript Runtime & NodeJS
- ES6 & JavaScript Asynchronous Function
Async & Await, Promise, Callback Hell
- Modules & CommonJS
Node Package Manager and ExpressJS
- 3 Layer Architecture
- Controller (API Layer)
- Service Layer
- Model Layer (Data Access Layer)
All application use DB to CRUD data.
- Relational DBM is not enough.
NoSQL is light and able to treat more complicated big data compare to SQL
- MongoDB & Mongoose
- MongoDB Local & Atlas
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