Useful (for me, at least) ITK-based tools. Built against ITK 4.
TilesToSlice: ITK filters to stitch 475x475 image tiles into a single image. Tiling is done in two steps to prevent overflowing the stack with the tiling filter. OpenMP is used to parallelize tiling operations, and ITK IO streaming is used to improve performance of the write filter.
RawToPNG: ITK filters to convert 3D raw files to 2D png. Makes use of ITK IO streaming.
NrrdToStack: ITK filters to read a Nrrd and write an image stack (png, tiff etc.).
StackToNrrd: ITK filters to read an image stack and write a Nrrd.
ConvertNrrd: Convert Nrrd to another image format.
VTKToNrrd: Convert VTK to Nrrd (and vice-versa).
RGBToGray2D: Convert RGB pixel image to grayscale.