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Online Object Detection and Localization on Stereo Visual SLAM System


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object-detection-sptam is a SLAM system for stereo cameras which builds a map of objects in a scene. The system is based on the SLAM method S-PTAM and an object detection module. The object detection module uses Deep Learning to perform online detection and provide the 3d pose estimations of objects present in an input image, while S-PTAM estimates the camera pose in real time.



Related Publications:

[1] TaihĂş Pire, Javier Corti and Guillermo Grinblat. Online Object Detection and Localization on Stereo Visual SLAM System Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2019.

Table of Contents


object-detection-sptam is released under GPLv3 license.

For a closed-source version of object-detection-sptam for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.

If you use object-detection-sptam in an academic work, please cite:

          title = {{Online Object Detection and Localization on Stereo Visual SLAM System}},
          author = {Pire, Taih{'u} and Corti, Javier and Grinblat, Guillermo},
          journal = {Journal of Intelligent {&} Robotic Systems},
          day = {27},
          month = {August},
          year = {2019},
          issn = {1573-0409},
          doi = {10.1007/s10846-019-01074-2}


This site and the code provided here are under active development. Even though we try to only release working high quality code, this version might still contain some issues. Please use it with caution.



* Nvidia GPU Graphic card 


* Ubuntu 16.04
* ros-kinectic
* Nvidia drivers
* cuda-8, cuda-9 or cuda-10
* cudnn5,cudnn6 or cudnn7


Move the content of ros directory (ros nodes and the network model that is used in to your ros workspace. Then compile the ros workspace.

py-faster-rcnn Dependencies


sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev


sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev


sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

Python packages

pip install wheel  
pip install easydict==1.9 
pip install setuptools 
pip install Pillow==5.0.0 
pip install scipy==0.17.1 
pip install PyWavelets==0.5.0 
pip install networkx==1.9 
pip install six==1.2.0 
pip install matplotlib==1.5.0 
pip install numpy==1.14.0 
pip install Cython==0.19.2 
pip install scikit-image==0.9.3 
pip install ipython==3.1.0 
pip install nose==1.3.7 
pip install pandas==0.13.0 
pip install python-dateutil==1.5 
pip install PyYAML==3.11 
pip install dask==0.12.0 
pip install google==1.9.3 
pip install protobuf==2.6.0

Compile and Install Caffe

cd ~/object-detection-sptam/py-faster-rcnn/caffe-fast-rcnn
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config (edit the Makefile.config file and set the vars) 
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4 && make pycaffe
make install

Compile py-faster-rcnn

cd ~/object-detection-sptam/py-faster-rcnn/lib

Edit and set appropiate sm arch code for your GPU (see here.)


Modified S-PTAM Dependencies

git submodule update --init --recursive 

Install SuiteSparse, opencv3, intel tbb library, ros pcl package

sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev  python-opencv  ros-kinetic-opencv3  libtbb-dev  ros-kinetic-pcl-ros


cd ~/object-detection-sptam/g2o
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


sudo cp -Rf ~/object-detection-sptam/dependencies/meta/include/meta /usr/include/


cd ~/object-detection-sptam/dependencies/pugixml
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install/local


cd  ~/object-detection-sptam/ApproxMVBB
mkdir build
cd build 
cmake ..
make all
sudo make install

Sptam Compilation



roslaunch sptam dl_zed.launch

On execution is going to ask:


that is in the models_tained directory:


copy or moved to python directory:

cp -Rf /data/object-detection-sptam/models_trained/* ~/.local/lib/python2.7/models/


Build image from Dockerfile

1) clone object-detection-sptam

git clone 
git checkout clean-the-code-kinetic
git pull

2) Download the caffemodel file

cd object-detection-sptam
source data/caffeModels/

3) Edit Makefile.config of caffe and of

cd ~/object-detection-sptam/py-faster-rcnn/caffe-fast-rcnn
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config 

Edit the Makefile.config file and set the vars.

Edit and set appropiate sm arch code for your GPU (see.)

cd ~/object-detection-sptam/py-faster-rcnn/lib

4) Build docker image:

sudo docker build -t "object-detection-sptam:kinetic" .   


The resulting image can be seen with the docker images command.

docker images 

Once the image is built, we can launch the container with the docker run command.

docker run -it --name sptam_container --rm --gpus all object-detection-sptam:kinetic bash

This starts an interactive bash shell in the container once it is initialized.

We can launch other terminal to conect to the container with the next command:

docker container exec -it sptam_container bash

For play rosbags from the host into the container we can mount the folder that contains the rosbags file with --volume argument:

sudo docker run --volume=<PATH-TO-ROSBAGS-IN-THE-HOST>:/rosbags -it  --rm --gpus all object-detection-sptam:kinetic bash

And we need the caffemodel file to, so we can mount the path where is the file pose_coco_Allconst_iter16000.caffemodel:

docker run --volume=<PATH-TO-ROSBAGS-IN-THE-HOST>:/rosbags --volume=<PATH-TO-CAFFEMODEL>:/root/object-detection-sptam/data/caffeModel -it  --rm --gpus all object-detection-sptam:kinetic bash

Pull image from dockerhub

For Quadro M6000 , GeForce 900, GTX-970, GTX-980 or GTX Titan X cards only.

docker pull eevidal/object-detection-sptam-kinetic:ros-base-xenial-sptam-kinetic-maxwell

For GTX 1080, GTX 1070, GTX 1060, GTX 1050, GTX 1030, Titan Xp, Tesla P40, Tesla P4, Discrete GPU on the NVIDIA Drive PX2

docker pull eevidal/object-detection-sptam-kinetic:ros-base-xenial

For other GPUs use FromMaxwellToOther.dockerfile to create your own