Manifests for deploying things on Kubernetes. I run a single-node K8S cluster on my home Linux box (Fedora 28 as of this writing), configured via kubeadm
. This cluster is only accessible privately, so certain things aren't hardened as much as they could be.
The actual wiki data is passed in as a volume from the host. The foswiki service uses NodePort 30000 and everything is deployed in the foswiki
namespace. This now uses the following Foswiki docker image: Note: Foswiki loses configuration state over pod restarts,
# kubectl create -f foswiki.yaml
Experimental deployment of https:///
version 1.x. This uses NodePort 30005 for web access. Everything is deployed in the wiki-js
# kubectl apply -f wiki-js.yaml
Experimental deployment of
version 2.x (waiting for the beta release). This uses NodePort 3006 for web access. Everything is deployed in the wiki-js2
# kubectl apply -f wiki-js2.yaml
This uses the OpenGrok image from
. The opengrok service uses NodePort 30001 for web access, NodePort 30002 for ssh and everything is deployed in the opengrok
namespace. Regular reindixing is disabled, so a cron job is need to exec into the container.
# kubectl create -f opengrok.yaml
Yaml for creating an admin-user
service account, a cluster role binding granting that service account user cluster admin rights, and a shell script for retrieving a token for that user that can be used to login to the K8S dashboard.
# kubectl create -f serviceAccount.yaml
# kubectl create -f clusterRoleBinding.yaml
To get a token: