N.b. see ./al-folio.README.md for the original forked README from the Jekyll Al-Folio theme.
I highly suggest you use docker-compose. See ./al-folio.README.md for further instructions. You should end up in a scenario where booting your local requires only that you issue the command
docker-compose up
Your local will be at; most people (like myself) like to rename this address in the local hosts file. That is, add the following to /etc/hosts/
on Ubuntu, /private/etc/hosts/
on mac, or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
on Windows. clc
This makes http://clc:8080 access
Read the docs. This step by step guide has most of what you need to know; read, in particular, the pages on layouts, includes, and collections.
Just edit _pages/about.md. I am not a CSS or SASS expert. I leave the styling of the homepage up to whomever would like to change it.
Garrett mentioned this resource from UI on how to style like a UI site. If anyone wants to tackle that, good luck!
Go to _members.
- If you are a graduate student, copy alex.md to
. - If you are a professor, copy garrett.md to
. - If you are a post-doc / research scientist, andrew.md to
Do not edit the role field. Otherwise, change the metadata appropriately. **Add a picture of yourself to ./assets/img/; make sure the name of the photo you add agrees with the name in your markdown file.
I expect you to add your own member entry. -@ahubers
Edit _pages/projects.md to change the copy on the projects pages. Edit the artifacts
entry in _data/repositories.yml to change the "popular repositories" entries on the projects page.
Add an entry to _bibliography/papers.bib. N.b. If you want to add a photo with your publication, change the "preview" entry in _bibliography/papers.bib to the name of an image located at assets/img.
I don't have this set up quite yet. Please advise on if we want it, for what we would use it (if so), and how it should appear on the site.