a Cliuno vue 3 template.
This template was built to make it easier to create web projects using Vue 3.
- This Project using "pnpm" as package manager. (not npm or yarn)!!!
- π¨ Tailwind CSS v3
- π¦ [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/
- π¨ UnoCSS
- πΉ State & Store Management (Pinia)
- π© [Localization (i18n) & Auto Generate Locales
- π¦ Vue Composition Collection (Vueuse)
- π Switch Theme (light, dark, system, realtime)
- Built-in Component & Layout
- Eslint & Prettier
- Husky & Commitlint
- Configurable Theme
- Primary Colors
- Font
- Footer
- Button
- Anchor (link)
- Alert
- Card
- Action Sheet
- Theme Toggle / Switcher
- Navbar
- Navbar Builder
- Drawer (on mobile)
- Options (on mobile)
- Page Layout
- Wrapper
- Header
- Title
- Body
- Section
- Section Wrapper
- Section Title
- Section
- Dashboard Layout
- Sidebar
- Modal
if you want to run the project locally make sure you have installed nodejs, pnpm. to install node js go to nodejs to install pnpm run the following command
npm install -g pnpm
if you want to run the project using docker make sure you have installed docker.
to install docker go to docker
to run the project using docker run the following command
docker compose -d up
or pull the image from docker hub
docker pull iru44/vue-template
make sure you pull the database image from docker hub as well
then run the following command
docker run -p 3000:3000 iru44/express-template
if you want to run the project using kubernetes make sure you have installed minikube.
to install minikube go to minikube to install kubectl go to kubectl
git clone https://github.com/CLIuno/CLIuno-Express-template.git
then run the following command
pnpm install
to run the project run the following command
pnpm dev
- open
in your browser
Tailwindcss import managed by windicss. and you can add custom styles in :
Localization is a plugin that allows you to switch between languages. this lib in :
is a function-class construct when app.vue before mounted.
this lib depend on @intlify/vue3
lang construct inside AppSetup()
in /path/to/app.vue
<!-- /path/to/app.vue -->
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { AppSetup } from '~/utils/app'
// app setup
To change language, you can direct set language from state lang.setting
, example :
<script lang="ts" setup>
const langSetting = useState<string>('locale.setting')
langSetting.value = 'en'
When you change state locale.setting
, it will automatically change language.
I made an automatic tool to automatically translate to all languages ββthat have been prepared in the ./locales/ folder So, you can just update "locales/en.yml" and run this tools, it will automatically translate to all languages.
You can just run :
pnpm generate:locales
# or :
node ./tools/translator.js ./locales en.yml
This project using husky and commitlint for precommit and postmerge.
when you commit, it will check your commit message and running "pnpm lint-staged" to check your staged files.
configuration in : /path/to/.husky/pre-commit
and /path/to/commitlint.config.js
And when Postmerge, it will run "pnpm" to automatically install new dependencies.
configuration in /path/to/.husky/post-merge
Status | Endpoint Description | Method | Path |
[x] | Login | POST | /api/v1/auth/login |
[ ] | Register | POST | /api/v1/auth/register |
[ ] | Logout | POST | /api/v1/auth/logout |
[x] | Reset Password | POST | /api/v1/auth/reset-password |
[x] | Forgot Password | POST | /api/v1/auth/forgot-password |
[x] | Change Password | POST | /api/v1/auth/change-password |
[x] | Send Verification Email | POST | /api/v1/auth/send-verify-email |
[x] | Verify Email | POST | /api/v1/auth/verify-email |
[ ] | Check Token | POST | /api/v1/auth/check-token |
[ ] | Refresh Token | POST | /api/v1/auth/refresh-token |
[x] | Verify OTP | POST | /api/v1/auth/otp/verify |
[x] | Disable OTP | POST | /api/v1/auth/otp/disable |
[x] | Validate OTP | POST | /api/v1/auth/otp/validate |
[x] | Generate OTP | POST | /api/v1/auth/otp/generate |
Status | Endpoint Description | Method | Path |
[ ] | Get all current user | GET | /api/v1/users/current |
[ ] | Get user by username | GET | /api/v1/users/username/:username |
[ ] | Get all users | GET | /api/v1/users |
[ ] | Get a user by ID | GET | /api/v1/users/:id |
[ ] | Update user by ID | PATCH | /api/v1/users/:id |
[ ] | Delete user by ID | DELETE | /api/v1/users/:id |
[ ] | Get permissions by user | GET | /api/v1/users/:user_id/permissions |
[ ] | Get posts by user | GET | /api/v1/users/:user_id/posts |
[ ] | Get roles by user | GET | /api/v1/users/:user_id/roles |
[ ] | Get comments by user | GET | /api/v1/users/:user_id/comments |
Status | Endpoint Description | Method | Path |
[ ] | Get all roles | GET | /api/v1/roles |
[ ] | Get role by ID | GET | /api/v1/roles/:id |
[ ] | Create a role | POST | /api/v1/roles |
[ ] | Update role by ID | PATCH | /api/v1/roles/:id |
[ ] | Delete role by ID | DELETE | /api/v1/roles/:id |
[ ] | Get permissions by role | GET | /api/v1/roles/:role_id/permissions |
[ ] | Get users by role | GET | /api/v1/roles/:role_id/users |
Status | Endpoint Description | Method | Path |
[ ] | Get all current user posts | GET | /api/v1/posts/current-user |
[ ] | Get all posts | GET | /api/v1/posts |
[ ] | Get post by ID | GET | /api/v1/posts/:id |
[ ] | Create a post | POST | /api/v1/posts |
[ ] | Update post by ID | PATCH | /api/v1/posts/:id |
[ ] | Delete post by ID | DELETE | /api/v1/posts/:id |
[ ] | Get users by post | GET | /api/v1/posts/:post_id/user |
[ ] | Get comments by post | GET | /api/v1/posts/:post_id/comments |