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Create a Blue Button Sandbox Account

Create an account at the link below, and register your test application, to get your Blue Button Sandbox Credentials which will allow you to access the Blue Button synthetic data. These credentials will be necessary to run this sample application as well as utilize the Blue Button data within your own applcation. See the section below 'Running the Back-end & Front-end'.

To ensure this sample application will work properly, make sure that when you register your application you add the following url (see below) under the 'Callback URLS/Redirect Uris' section:


When you are ready to run your own application, you can change this value to the url that you need.
Just log into your Blue Button Sandbox account and select 'View/Edit App->'.

Setup Docker & Node-js

Install and setup Docker. Go to and follow the directions.

Download and install node. Go to and follow the directions.

Running the Back-end & Front-end

Once you have Docker and Node installed and setup then do the following:

cp server/sample-bluebutton-config.json server/.bluebutton-config.json

Make sure to replace the clientId and clientSecret variables within the config file with the ones you were provided, for your application, when you created your Blue Button Sandbox account.

docker-compose up -d

This single command will create the docker container with all the necessary packages, configuration, and code to run both the front and back ends of this sample application.

To see the application in action open your browser and enter the following URL:


To see the process of authenticating with Blue Button via and retrieve EoB data just click on the 'Authorize' button.

BB2 Sandbox User

To ensure data displays properly in the sample application please use a Blue Button Sandbox user that has PDE (Part-D Events) EoBs (Explanation of Benefits). An example of a user with this data would be: BBUser29999 (PWD: PW29999!) or BBUser29998 (PWD: PW29998!)


Read the DEVELOPER NOTES found in the code to understand the application and where you will need to make adjustments/changes as well as some suggestions for best practices.

Usage Examples

To start the sample in Docker :

  1. go to the base directory of the repo
  2. docker-compose up

To start the sample in native OS (e.g. Linux) with server and client components started in separate windows :

  1. go to the base directory of the repo
  2. run below to start the server:
    1. yarn --cwd server install
    2. yarn --cwd server start
  3. run below to start the client:
    1. yarn --cwd client install
    2. yarn --cwd client start-native

To stop the sample:

Both ways of starting the sample are running the sample in foreground, logging and tracing from both client and server components are on stdout of the command window, to stop the sample, press Ctl C, which will terminate both the client and server components.

For client and server started separately in their command window, type Ctrl C respectively

Error Responses and handling:
