In this repository you will find all files connected to the fabrication of a Biogeochemical drifter.
This drifter project is apart of Stephen Lail's Master's Thesis project. The goal of this project is to create a drifter capable of taking water quality measurments of a single water parcel as the water moves throughout a tidal creek. This project is still in the early stages of development, so designs and firmware are still being polished.
The link to the Bill of Materials (BOM) can be found here:
The purpose of this BOM is to provide all design files for the construction of the Biogeochemical drifter as well as supply instructions for its assembly.
The link to the Jupyter Notebook script can be found here:
This script was designed such that these data taken by the drifter can be easily parsed and displayed in an informative manner.
The link to the Visual Studio code used to flash to the Particle Boron can be found here:
The link to the Standard Operating procedure can be found here: