The Fake News Detector is a tool to be used by both News Consumers and News Distributors to act against the spread of fake news. Machine Learning will be used to detect fake news and make users aware of its presence. We will also maintain databases of known fake news distributors as well as the common fake facts that they spread.
- User Manual
- Architectural Design Documentation
- Testing Policy Documentation
- Coding Standard
- Project Management (Trello)
- Software Requirement Specification
- Technical Installation Guide
- POSTMAN Documents
- Demo 1 Recording - 12 June 2020
- Demo 2 Recording - 24 July 2020
- Demo 3 Recording - 20 August 2020
- Demo 4 Recording - 17 September 2020
Profile | Student Nr. | Description |
Stuart Barclay | 15015069 | Outgoing, always willing to help and committed. I am a BIT student that loves to learn! I prefer working with backend technologies but love the challenge of a front-end as well. |
Quinton Coetzee | 18028510 | Passionate BIT student skilled at both back-end and front-end. Interests include Artificial Intellegence, Photography and Graphic Design. |
Alistair Payn | 14272289 | Computer science student with a passion for geology and geology student with a passion for computer science. |
Danré Retief | 14126461 | BScIT student, full-stack developer with a knack for creative problem solving and front-end frameworks. |
Thato Tshukudu | 18010408 | BIT student with core strength in front-end. |
$ npm run-script "production" && npm start