The third annual report on the Open Data Program is focused on iteration and growth. The City launched the first iteration of the Open Data portal just a short year ago. Since then, the Data & Analytics team within the Performance & Analytics Department (P&A) built a new and improved custom portal that saves both time and money, designed and implemented an internal data automation system, hired a data scientist, and completed a variety of projects.
Last year we wrote that the City of San Diego is in position to become a leader in data-enabled government. Today, cities across the country look to our program to help them understand how they can automate data and decrease portal costs.
The portal and automation are just two examples of how the Open Data Policy has facilitated change across the City. The Police Department committed to releasing data as part of the White House Police Data Initiative, and has released multiple datasets through the portal. Staff from each department have approached us with ideas about how they can use data to improve how the City does business and delivers services to our residents. As a positive conclusion to the Fiscal Year, City employee Brian Olson placed first in a San Diego Startup Week Hackathon, with a project that used data from the portal.
We’re just getting started. In FY 18 we will be expanding our analytics services, building more products, releasing more data, and making it available in more formats to increase the number of people of any skill level who can use our data. If you want to follow what we’re up to, check out for the latest!