CRAFTY User Interface is a tool for visualizing and managing data for the CRAFTY (Competition for Resources between Agent Functional TYpes) model. This README provides installation instructions and an overview of the interface functionalities.
- Visit the official Oracle website.
- Download and install the appropriate JDK version for your operating system.
- Visit the Eclipse download page.
- Download and run the Eclipse Installer for your operating system.
- Choose either "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" or "Enterprise Java and Web Developers".
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Note: If you encounter build path errors or JRE System Library issues, follow the troubleshooting steps in the full manual.
Install e(fx)clipse plugin:
- In Eclipse, go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
- Search for "JavaFX" and install the e(fx)clipse plugin.
Set up JavaFX SDK:
- Download JavaFX SDK from Gluon's website.
- Extract the SDK to a known location.
- In Eclipse, create a new JavaFX project and configure the build path to include the JavaFX JAR files.
- In Eclipse, go to File > Import...
- Select "Project from Git (with Smart import)" and click Next.
- Choose "Clone URI" and enter:
- Follow the remaining steps in the wizard to complete the import.
After importing, update the JavaFX SDK files in the project's build path to point to your local JavaFX installation.
- Set up Run Configuration:
- In Eclipse, go to Run > Run Configurations...
- Create a new Java Application configuration.
- Set the project to "Crafty_UserInterface" and the main class to "main.FxMain".
- In the Arguments tab, add VM arguments:
--module-path "path\to\javafx-sdk\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,,javafx.fxml
- Click "Apply" and then "Run" to start the application.
Before running CRAFTY, you need input data. A simplified example of CRAFTY-DE data with 3 km resolution is available at Download and extract the ZIP file to a known directory.
- Display input and output data across spatial, temporal, and scenario dimensions.
- Navigate through maps of different capitals under various scenarios and years.
- View histograms of capital value distributions.
- Visualize demand within each scenario.
- Display baseline map of Agent Functional Types (AFTs).
- Manage land-manager agent characteristics.
- Modify AFT parameters for behavior and productivity.
- Visual representation and easy modification of AFT data.
- Configure model behavior before simulation:
- Consider negative marginal utility
- Enable land abandonment (Give-Up) mechanism
- Select search algorithm for competition
- Set annual cell competition percentage
- Real-time updates of agent distribution and service productivity during simulation.
- Track demand and supply for each ecosystem service.
For more detailed information, please refer to the full user manual.