The package craftyr provides routines to input, convert, analyse, visualise and output CRAFTY generated model data. It facilitates the pre- and post-processing of model data since it considers CRAFTY conventions regarding input and output folder and filename patterns.
- conversion from CSV to raster data
- aggregation of data
- calculations of >10 land use metrics
- visualisation of input data
- visualisation of raster data
- visualisation of input data
- visualisation of take overs / LU transitions
- visualisation of potential actions
- production of LaTeX tables of input and output data
In case you have not set up an R environment, useful information can be accessed here.
To install craftyr you first need to install the devtools package:
Second, craftyr has a dependency which currently cannot be installed automatically:
Finally, install craftyr:
Start by reading the introduction vignette:
vignette("intro", package = "craftyr")