Please find as many resources (books, blogs, R packages, etc.) as you can relating to performing stego tasks that you do in MatLab in R. Google, CRAN Task Views, StackOverflow, and GitHub are all good places to start.
Your findings should contain detailed examples. i.e. if you find an R package, show your readers how to use it with R code chunks in an R Markdown document. If you find a blog post, run through their examples in an R Markdown document with a picture and message of your choosing. If you find a book, check it out from the Parks library and work through some problems, documenting your work on this repo.
Finding R resources for stego is now a part of making your research with CSAFE open to the public so others see what you do. This is the goal of reproducible research. This does NOT mean that you start doing all your work for Stephanie and Dr. Newman in R instead of in Matlab. Matlab is a powerfull tool that Stephanie and Dr. Newman are teaching you so you should use it! Think of this StegoinR project as an "audit": you're looking out there, on the web, in books, in journals, etc. for any R tools for stego, and you're making it easier for others to find them. You're making a map, not a new tool.
By the end of the summer, anyone looking for steganalysis resources in R should find this repo and consider it a "one-stop shop" for all things stego, full of links and resources for them to start off with.