This is the official repository of the R package SELECT - Selected Events Linked by Evolutionary Conditions across human Tumors - a methodology to infer evolutionary inter-dependencies between functional alterations in cancer.
- SELECT is a package for inferring evolutionary dependencies between functional alterations in cancer starting from patterns of alteration occurrences in large tumor sample cohorts.
- Last Version: 1.6.4
- Summary of set up
- How to use
- Check the introduction fom vignettes folder or the website.
- Also refere to methods section of papers to know the best way to apply the method.
If you use this tool, please cite the papers
Mina, M., Iyer, A., Tavernari, D., Raynaud, F., & Ciriello, G. (2020). Discovering functional evolutionary dependencies in human cancers Nature Genetics, 52(11), 1198-1207.
Mina, Marco and Raynaud, Franck and Tavernari, Daniele and Battistello, Elena and Sungalee, Stephanie and Saghafinia, Sadegh and Laessle, Titouan and Sanchez-Vega, Francisco and Schultz, Nikolaus and Oricchio, Elisa and Ciriello, G. (2017). Conditional selection of genomic alterations dictates cancer evolution and oncogenic dependencies. Cancer cell, 32(2), 155-168.
- SELECT was originally developed by Marco Mina at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
- SELECT is currently maintained by Arvind Iyer and memeber of the Computational Systems Oncology lab (CSO) at the University of Lausanne (Unil), Switzerland.
- For any bugs or feature support in using SELECT, please use the issue tracker.
- For any other question related to SELECT, please contact Giovanni Ciriello (