Updated parser color names (fixes #217 ) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated contributor list. (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated compatible vendor prefix rule to support -ms-user-select (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Cleanup of text-indent rule and tests (Nicholas C. Zakas)
More tests for gradients rule (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated gradients rule with better messaging on warnings (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated compatible vendor prefix rules for IE10 (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated parser (fixes #212 ) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated parser to fix a few small parsing bugs (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Fixed issue with extra whitespace being output in quiet mode for CLI (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Added Windows Script Host CLI (fixes #198 ) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Updated parser with support for unknown @ rule error recovery (fixes #211 ) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Further cleanup of background images rule (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Created rule to check for fallback colors when CSS3 colors are in use (fixes #207 ) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
Cleanup of hpbuniat's rule (Nicholas C. Zakas)
use the power of parser-lib, as mentioned by nzakas (Hans-Peter Buniat)
added rule to detect multiple usage of the same background-image (Hans-Peter Buniat)
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