Welcome to OtterShare
This repo houses both server and native files, in our case Android.
Below is a brief description on our endpoints
Note: Some of our endpoints are still under construction, therefore this documentation will be updated regularly
Eventually, when our development team has more time, we plan to serve up an active website to go with our app. As of now we serve up a welcome message at our root.
Creates a user with default fields
JSON to post:
"name": "name here",
"email": "email-here",
"password": "password-here"
Creation successful! To continue, check your email to verify account!
Completes a user profile with a few more fields
JSON to post
"api-key" : "api-key-here",
"schedule" : "schedule-here",
"carMakeModel": "car-make-and-model-here"
Success! Profile complete!
Takes username and email of registered user for login
JSON to post:
"email" : "enter-email-here",
"password" : "password-here"
Info on current user along with authentication key for requests.
Takes verification key sent to user email account, activates user account
JSON to append
"key" : "Alpha-numeric key here"
Verification message response of true or false
Takes api-key and email of current users account, and returns their profile as seen by themselves
JSON to post:
"email" : "csumb-email-here",
"api_key" : "api-key-here"
Returns json formatted profile information including schedule
Takes api-key of current user and email of a certain account, and returns their public profile information
JSON to post:
"email" : "csumb-email-here",
"api_key" : "api-key-here"
Returns json formatted profile information excluding schedule
Creates a pass for a user from given info (api_key, email-address, lotLocation, price and notes )
JSON to post:
"api_key" : "api-key-here",
"email": "email-here",
"lotLocation" : "lot-location-here",
"price" : "price-here",
"notes" : "notes-here"
Success: 'pass-id'
Returns active passes based on given lot location : api_key, keyword (Either 'all' or a specific lot)
JSON to post:
"api_key" : "api-key-here",
"keyword": "keyword-here"
Pass(es) information
UPDATE: Now returns the average rating of the user tied to pass, as avgRating.