This project contains skeleton code used for coursework in University of Colorado ECEN 5823 IoT Embedded Firmware.
Below is an overview of the sequence used to generate this repository. For handling SDK upgrades, please see the instructions in the wiki page.
- The project was generated starting with the new project Wizard built into Simplicity Studio 4.
- The AppBuilder project was used with application type "Bluetooth SDK" and application type "SOC - Empty".
- Configurations were setup to target GNU Arm 4.9.3 and 7.2.1. 4.9.3 is set as the default project target due to existing project code file support requirements.
- Workspace paths were setup to pull in emlib functions needed for upcoming assignments.
- Relevant emlib project files were copied from SiliconLabs\SimplicityStudio\v4\developer\sdks\gecko_sdk_suite\v2.4\platform as needed and added into the respective directories at the root.
- The main.c file in the root folder was renamed gecko_main.c. Contents of the main while loop were moved into functions and the main() function was #ifdef'd out.
- The src subfolder was added to contain code specific to the ECEN 5823 course and source files were added to support ECEN 5823 and the simplicity studio exercise assignment.
- The questions subfolder was added to contain questions to be answered for each assignment, along with the questions for the first assignment.