This guide is likely to be depreciated as I have found a preferable way to type up course notes. I may leave it open, but probably won't do a lot with it anymore.
These are my notes on Programming Languages as I learn them and pick them up.
They can be used as a reference guide or as a tutorial on their own.
Any suggestions are always welcome - if you have any feel free to drop me a message on Twitter: @caddickbrown
If you're this far - you likely know what all of these are, but it's worthwhile going over them to ensure clarity
Character | Comment |
$ | Dollar |
+ | Plus |
- | Minus/Dash |
* | Asteriks |
() | Parentheses/Rounded Brackets |
{} | Curly Brackets |
[] | Square Brackets |
< | Less Than |
> | Greater Than |
= | Equals |
: | Colon |
; | Semicolon |
"" | Quotation Marks |
^ | Caret |
' | Apostrophe |
/ | Forward Slash |
! | Exclamation point |
& | Ampersand |
~ | Tilde |
Space Character | |
# | Hash |
% | Percentage |
A Variable is a method of storing data under a "Name".
Name | Example | Explanation |
Integer | 10 | A "Non-Fractional" Number |
Decimal | 10.15 | A Decimal Number |
Single Character | m | A Single Character |
String | Blue Harbour | A "String" of Characters |
Boolean | True | True or False |