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Analise de dados mestrado

Outdated!!! Check MAIN() function and do README update

Code is a mess. Need to split it in multiple c++ files to make it readable.

Leaf Venation Program Documentation and Manual

1 - Seed (for the pseudo-random number generator); 2 - lstepgrowth (How much is the leaf boundary growing in each step? ~ growthratecharacterisc length); 3 - Complementary Venation step multiplier (How many simulation steps are spent generating the second venation? stepmultiplierfirst venation max number of steps); 4 - Growthstepmax (Maximum number of simulation steps employed in the generation of the first venation pattern); 5 - Veindist (length of the edge connecting the new venation node to its parent node); 6 - Birthdist (A new auxin node is considered valid if no existing node is inside the circle with radius equal to birthdist centered at the new auxin node); 7 - Killdist (if a vein node is placed inside the circle with radius killdist centered at an auxin node, that auxin node is removed from the leaf); 8 - Maxtries (Maximum number of failed attempts to place an auxin within a grid cell considered acceptable); 9 - Squarehex (accepts 2 inputs: 0 - square leaf boundary and 1 - hexagonal leaf boundary); 10 - denst (Density of auxin nodes in the leaf); 11 - numdiv (the square leaf boundary is partitioned in numdiv*numdiv cells); 12 - squareside (initial length of a side of the square leaf); 13 - finallength (maximum final square leaf side length accepted - it CAN be less); 14 - maxsteps2 (Number of steps in the initiation of the sencond venation); 15 - bdmultiplier (Multiplies the birthdist used in the first venation and uses the resultant birthdist in the second venation generation); 16 - kdmultiplier (Multiplies the killdist used in the first venation and uses the resultant killdist in the second venation generation); 17 - denstmultiplier (Multiplies the denst used in the first venation and uses the resultant denst in the second venation generation); 18 - veindistmultiplier (Multiplies the veindist used in the first venation and uses the resultant veindist in the second venation generation); 19 - auxincutoff (number of auxin sources left before stopping increase in the second venation); 20 - murrayexp (murray exponent that defines relations between the parent and children vein diameters); 21 - printvein (bool that defines how the output is going to be displayed 0 - simple display: all vein orders have the same color; 1 - veins of different orders are displayed in different colors 22 - background color control (1 - white 0 - green)

there are more parameters that need to be inputed. Will update the description when possible

Good tested parameters

Classic configuration (2 seeds - 1 placed at the middle of the base of square boundary and 1 at the top):

tested parameters ./leafvenationsim.exe 6 0.13 3 65 0.148 0.68 0.79 3 0 190 65 0.1 50 4 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.78 100 2.42 1 1 0 2 1.7 0 0 3 4

Compiling the program g++ -lm -lGLU -lglut -lGL mtrand.cpp gl2ps.c leafvenationsim2.hh -o leafvenationsim.exe

Dependent libraries: Glew Glut OpenGL

Works on Ubuntu 16.04 and 14.04 (tested)


Analise de dados mestrado






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