Displays an indicator showing how much progress you've made on your current action, and how long until it will finish.
- Respects the user-defined infobox background colour.
- The "Ignore single action" property was mislabeled, it was inverted.
- Track Tempoross activities (Cooking and filling crates).
- Interrupt action when wearing or removing equipment.
- Rewritten a lot of core components.
- Many actions added.
- Many ingredient checks added, giving more accurate estimations of how many actions can be performed.
- Many customizations added, all actions can be enabled or disabled.
- Option to show skill icons instead of product icons (For example, Herblore icon instead of the potion being made).
- Fixed various issues with 1.03.
- IDQuery API moved to testing and replaced with constant ID arrays.
- This API had unforeseen issues due to database classes not existing in release environments.
- Tests have been put in place to ensure that these constants are kept up-to-date.
- Fixed TemporossDetector.
- Fixed ItemClickDetector.
- Added interruption when hit.
- Added interruption when pest control portals drop.
- Updated for RuneLite version 1.8.30.