Disclaimer: Before contributing to the codebase, please respect the GitFlow branching model.
- App is written in React with Typescript.
- Store and binding solution is Redux
- Configuration layer is done with Craco
- Project is forked from Pancake swap (The codebase is currently different, but the similar fork with the original codebase is here)
After git clone run npm install
- Run dev server:
npm run start
- Install Metamask, create an account and con`nect it to Callisto network.
All deployments are hosted by Netlify
Deployment to development server is done with each push to the
branchdomain: https://development--multichain-soy-finance.netlify.app
Deployment to production server is done with each push to the
branch (only via PR or locallynpm run build
)domain: https://app.soy.finance
Deployment of any other branch, for example hot-fix-121 is done by each push
domain: https://hot-fix-121--multichain-soy-finance.netlify.app
- components contains generic components used inside the application.
- views contains building blocks for each page. The entry point of a view is used as the root component of each route.
- config contains all the config files and ABIs.
- state contains the redux files for the global state of the app.
- context contains global contexts (separated from the redux store)
- hooks contains generic hooks.
- utils contains generic utilities functions.
- All ABIs are stored in
Please do not use any hard-coded constants directly into the code
- All configurations are stored in
- All token lists are stored in
- Each chain has a single configuration file f.e.
, please read NEWCHAIN.md if you want to add new chain support.
- Google Analytics
Here is a list of the dependencies in this package.json file, along with a brief explanation of each:
- @callisto-enterprise/chain-constants: This package provides basic chain config for Callisto Enterprise.
- @reduxjs/toolkit: This package provides a toolkit for simplifying the creation of Redux applications. Redux is a popular state management library for JavaScript.
- @types/multicodec: This package provides TypeScript definitions for the multicodec library, which provides a way to encode and decode data using various multiformats.
- @types/node: This package provides TypeScript definitions for Node.js, which allows TypeScript to understand the types and APIs provided by Node.js.
- @types/qs: This package provides TypeScript definitions for the qs library, which provides a way to parse and stringify query strings in JavaScript.
- @types/react: This package provides TypeScript definitions for React, which allows TypeScript to understand the types and APIs provided by the React library.
- @types/react-dom: This package provides TypeScript definitions for React DOM, which allows TypeScript to understand the types and APIs provided by the React DOM library.
- @types/react-router-dom: This package provides TypeScript definitions for React Router DOM, which allows TypeScript to understand the types and APIs provided by the React Router DOM library.
- @types/react-window: This package provides TypeScript definitions for React Window, which allows TypeScript to understand the types and APIs provided by the React Window library.
- @types/styled-components: This package provides TypeScript definitions for styled-components, which allows TypeScript to understand the types and APIs provided by the styled-components library.
- @uauth/js: This package provides an interface for authenticating users with the uAuth platform.
- @uauth/web3-react: This package provides an integration between the uAuth platform and the web3-react library.
- @uniswap/token-lists: This package provides lists of tokens for the Uniswap platform.
- @web3-react/core: This package provides an interface for connecting to Ethereum-based networks in a React application.
- @web3-react/injected-connector: This package provides an injected connector for interfacing with Ethereum-based networks in a React application.
- @web3-react/walletconnect-connector: This package provides a WalletConnect connector for interfacing with Ethereum-based networks in a React application.
- assert: This package provides a way to perform simple unit tests in JavaScript.
- bignumber.js: This package provides a way to perform arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic in JavaScript.
- browserify-zlib: This package provides a way to compress and decompress data in JavaScript using the zlib library.
- buffer: This package provides a way to manipulate binary data in JavaScript.
- canvas-confetti: This package provides a way to generate confetti on an HTML canvas element.
- cids: This package provides an implementation of the Content Identifier (CID) data model for JavaScript.
- date-fns: This package provides a collection of functions for working with dates and times in JavaScript.
- easymde: This package provides a simple Markdown editor for JavaScript.
- eth-block-timestamp: This package provides a way to get the timestamp of an Ethereum block.
- ethers: This package provides an interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain in JavaScript.
- graphql: This package provides an implementation of the GraphQL query language in JavaScript.
- graphql-request: This package provides a simple way to make GraphQL requests in JavaScript.
- js-cookie: This package provides a simple way to work with cookies in JavaScript.
- lightweight-charts: This package provides a collection of lightweight and customizable charts for JavaScript.
- lodash: This package provides a collection of utility functions for working with arrays, objects, and strings in JavaScript.
- multicodec: This package provides a way to encode and decode data using various multiformats in JavaScript.
- multihashes: This package provides a way to work with multihash values in JavaScript.
- numeral: This package provides a way to format numbers in JavaScript.
- qs: This package provides a way to parse and stringify query strings in JavaScript.
- react: This package provides the React library, which is a popular library for building user interfaces in JavaScript.
- react-countup: This package provides a way to create count-up animations in React applications.
- react-datepicker: This package provides a customizable date picker component for React applications.
- react-dom: This package provides the React DOM library, which is a companion library to React for working with the DOM in browser-based applications.
- react-ga: This package provides an integration with Google Analytics for React applications.
- react-helmet-async: This package provides a way to manage the document head in a React application.
- react-markdown: This package provides a component for rendering Markdown in a React application.
- react-redux: This package provides an integration between the React and Redux libraries. Redux is a popular state management library for JavaScript.
- react-router-dom: This package provides a way to implement client-side routing in a React application.
- react-transition-group: This package provides components for implementing basic CSS transitions and animations in a React application.
- react-window: This package provides components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data in a React application.
- recharts: This package provides a collection of composable React components for building charts.
- redux-localstorage-simple: This package provides a simple way to persist the state of a Redux store to local storage.
- remark-gfm: This package provides a plugin for the remark Markdown parser that adds support for GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) syntax.
- split-grid: This package provides a grid layout component for React applications.
- stream-browserify: This package provides an implementation of the Node.js stream API for the browser.
- styled-components: This package provides a way to use component-based styling in a React application.
- swiper: This package provides a customizable carousel component for React applications.
- typescript: This package provides the TypeScript programming language, which is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- web3: This package provides an interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain in JavaScript.
- web3-core-helpers: This package provides helper functions for working with the web3 library.