SMJS, I see all... Stop trying. to make fun of me. I scrapped this project a long time ago.
My Super Secret Framework for building Geometry dash comment bots with commands inplace. At this point robtop has pretty much smothered the majority of my free proxies so I'm dumping the source code here to anyone who wishes to continue my legacy that I've pretty much left behind.
It includes a very friendly coding atmosphere not seen ever in GD Bot programming ever before
- Currently Not Working, Daily Level is already have trouble parsing from the string. Nekit, please fix your code for God's Sake.
- I highly encourage you to fork this code off as there maybe some sneaky bugs that I didn't patch or could be easily executed better.
- I'll make a new framework when nekit releases gdpy2 which he plans to make very soon. Hopefully he will add socks5 support.
from discord_webhook import AsyncDiscordWebhook
import json, random
from gd import CommentBanned, LevelComment
from dcbot import DCBot
WEBHOOK_LINK = "<your discord webhook>"
bot = DCBot("/")
def on_comment_banned(ctx:DCBot, ban:CommentBanned):
# Uh Oh...
webhook = AsyncDiscordWebhook(
content=f"@everyone The king is dead ;-; : [Banned] : ```json\n{json.loads(ban.__dict__)}```"
# Send our message back to discord
await webhook.execute()
# The most basic command in the book....
async def diceroll(ctx:DCBot, comment:LevelComment)
return await ctx.send(comment, f"your rolled a {random.randint(1,6)}")
Even when the bot becomes commentbanned it has a smart backup-system inplace that will immediately send a dm to the user instead so that the bot remains alive for as long as possible without failure. Special event callbacks like in discordpy as demonstrated above are also inplace to help with this.
I am not legally responsible for any damage caused by this code (SEE THE MIT LICENSE) or for any skid or developer who winds up using this framework weather that be for the purpose of good or entertainment (I sure hope people use this for good). I am not responsible for people using it for nefarious reasons. I have only implemented/dumped my code off here for educational purposes only, please take my words with a grain of salt.