Montage is an Open Source (BSD 3-clause license) toolkit for creating science grade mosaics of astronomical images, and for general astronomical image processing. Montage can be used as a Linux library, as a command-line application on Linux and Windows platforrms, and through Python.
We provide Jupyter notebooks that use Montage and the MontagePy Python package to build astronomical mosaics from the following archived datasets: 2MASS, WISE, SDSS, DSS, Spitzer IRAC and Spitzer MIPS. We plan an extensive set of tutorials, starting with basic mosaicking of data from various astronomical archives. The simplest way to use these notebooks is to install the Montage package ('pip install MontagePy'), clone the GitHub repo ( to your local machine, and run 'jupyter notebook' in that directory.
Start with the Overview.ipynb notebook, which provides an introduction to the notebooks and future plans. There are two notebooks provided in this release that presents examples that show to use the service. One ("Basic") create a 3-color mosaic of M31 with WIDE data. The second ("Variations") extends the Basic notebook to show how to change the coordinate system and how to create a mosaic of Spitzer IRAC data.
Vist the Montage web page at
Need help? Send a request to our Help Desk at
If your research uses Montage, please include the following acknowledgement: "This research made use of Montage. It has been funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers ACI-1440620 ACI- 1642453, and ACI-1835379 and was previously funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Earth Science Technology Office, Computation Technologies Project, under Cooperative Agreement Number NCC5-626 between NASA and the California Institute of Technology."
This service was developed by Pedro Castaneda under the auspices of the Summer Research Connection (SRC), which enables high school students to participate in research at Caltech (