Cameo Shift Monitor
Death to filing cabinets
The Shift Monitor web app is used by production staff on the factory floor to time how long each truss takes to assemble. It is accessed via Android tablets which are connected to semi-reliable wifi and is hosted on AWS.
Labour and factory utilization are significant factors in the cost to Cameo to produce trusses. Moreover there is a lot of variability in the size and shape of trusses (ie their "difficulty"). This leads to an unpredictable amount of resources being spent to assemble trusses and ultimately to fulfill orders.
**Since the revenue (ie quoted price) generated from an order is set before assembly begins (ie at design time) it is valuable to be able to accurately predict the cost to fulfil an order from information available at design time. **
There are numerous extractable quantitative data points present in the truss design files that are produced at design time which can be used to build and train a predictive model for truss assembly time. But realized assembly times of past trusses is missing and required.
The Shift Monitor App will accurately capture this missing data and provide a foundation for such a model.
Provides management and staff with real-time productivity information
Provide accurate completion dates to customers and minimize unexpected overtime
Measure, benchmark and reward staff productivity with high level of granularity
Provide truss designers immediate and actionable feedback about their design at design time.
The general workflow at Cameo Truss begins when a potential customer submits a blueprint for a residential house and requests a quote for the trusses. The truss designer then uses software to design the required trusses. This design software produces text files from which many data points can be extracted. These design files are saved in subfolders in a Dropbox folder called "quotes". If a customer approves the quote and orders the trusses then the quote becomes a "job" and the trusses are scheduled for production by the truss plant.
When a quote becomes a job the design files are copied from the "quotes" to another Dropbox folder called "jobs."
A Dropbox webhook is registered to an AWS API Gateway endpoint which triggers AWS Lambda function so that the ETL process is triggered each time a file(s) changes on Dropbox (limited to once per minute). This Lambda function syncs the raw truss files in the Dropbox jobs folder to DynamoDB (details here). A subsequent Lambda function then parses the truss file content and further populates the DynamoDB fields that populate the front end UI state.
Google's Material UI look and feel
React Component library
Facebook's React js library
React Router
Facebook's replacement for REST
All client side data interaction is implemented with GraphQL
GraphQL client library
Same purpose as Facebook's Relay
GraphQL backend as a service
Connects a GraphQL schema to DynamoDB, Lambda, and ElasticSearch via resolvers which are defined with Apache Velocity syntax
All client side GraphQL uses AWS's Apollo Middleware library to query to DynamoDB via AppSync
Nosql schema-less distributed database
All app data is stored in DynamoDB tables
Backend Lambda function ETLs raw truss files from Dropbox into DynamoDB items
Frontend web app UI state is populated with data extracted from truss files
Frontend inserts truss assembly times
State machine that
Allows Lambda functions to be composed
Serverless function service
Supports Java, node.js, and Python natively
- Other languages supported via Node wrapper
Dropbox webhook triggers ETL process of truss files stored in Dropbox into DynamoDB
ETL process is implemented with AWS Step Functions which orchestrate AWS Lambda Functions
Each Lambda function is designed to be
Amazon's AWS simple storage solution service
Hosts web app as static website
Dropbox API v2 and webhook service
Dropbox webhooks trigger ETL implemented with Lambda functions
Domain name service
Hosts custom domain name:
Circle CI for continuous integration
Github for source control
Git Flow for workflow
AWS Cloud Formation for (re)deployment
??? for Java testing
??? for React testing