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Christian Gendreau edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 18 revisions

The project

Checkout the code:

git clone


The Explorer uses Gradle as build management tool. The build has been tested with Gradle 2.1.

Gradle targets

Create Eclipse project

gradle eclipse

Run unit tests

gradle clean test

Run the web application locally

This target will build and deploy the war file locally in an embedded Tomcat using an embedded H2 database. The configuration files ( and data-source.xml) are taken from config/local. Because H2 does not have PostGIS functions, expect spatial queries to return 500 errors. If you wish to run the Web app locally but connect to a non-embedded database, remove or rename the file config/local/data-source.xml and fill the config/local/ file properly.

gradle clean --daemon runLocal

Run integration tests

This target will use the runLocal target and run some automated tests in a spawned browser window (Firefox). Firefox must be installed on the machine running the integration tests. Updates of the browser might break some tests(specially when JavaScript is involved). Sometimes, the Gradle process may failed to stop when the integration tests are completed.

gradle clean --daemon runIntegrationTest

Build the application web application

The configuration files are taken from config/production folder.

gradle clean buildProduction

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