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Bindings for Vulkan Memory Allocator in Odin Programming Language.


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Odin VMA

Bindings for Vulkan Memory Allocator v3.2.1 in Odin Programming Language.

Basic Usage

Copy the vma folder to your project or shared directory.

vma_vulkan_functions := vma.create_vulkan_functions()

allocator_create_info: vma.Allocator_Create_Info = {
    flags = {.Buffer_Device_Address},
    instance = instance,
    vulkan_api_version = 1003000, // 1.3
    physical_device = physical_device,
    device = device,
    vulkan_functions = &vma_vulkan_functions,

allocator: vma.Allocator = ---
if res := vma.create_allocator(allocator_create_info, &allocator); res != .SUCCESS {
    log.errorf("Failed to Create Vulkan Memory Allocator: [%v]", res)

defer vma.destroy_allocator(allocator)

Building VMA

Precompiled binaries are not available, but you can easily compile the library using Premake.


  • Premake5 - the build configuration
    • You can download the Pre-Built Binaries, simply need to be unpacked and placed somewhere on the system search path or any other convenient location.
    • For Unix, also requires GNU libc 2.38.
  • Git - required for clone dependencies


  1. Clone or download this repository

  2. Download and install premake5.exe.

    Either add to PATH or copy to project directory.

  3. Open a command window, navigate to the project directory and generate Visual Studio 2022 project files with desired vk-version.

    vk-version specifies the Vulkan minor version. For example, 3 corresponds to 1003000 (Vulkan 1.3).

    premake5 --vk-version=3 vs2022 # 1003000 (1.3)
  4. From the project folder, open the directory build\make\windows, them open the generated solution vma.sln.

  5. In Visual Studio, confirm that the dropdown box at the top says “x64” (not “x86”); and then use Build > Build Solution.

    The generated library file vma_windows_x86_64.lib will be located in the root of the project directory.

Unix (macOS/Linux)

  1. Clone or download this repository

  2. Download and install premake5

  3. Open a terminal window, navigate to the project directory and generate the makefiles with desired vk-version:

    vk-version specifies the Vulkan minor version. For example, 3 corresponds to 1003000 (Vulkan 1.3).

    premake5 --vk-version=3 gmake2  # 1003000 (1.3)
    # On macOS, you can also use Xcode:
    premake5 --vk-version=3 xcode4
  4. From the project folder, navigate to the generated build directory:

    cd build/make/linux
    # Or
    cd build/make/macosx
  5. Compile the project using the make command:

    make config=release_x86_64
    # Or for debug build:
    # make config=debug_x86_64

    On macOS, the make command might need different configuration flags:

    make config=release_x86_64   # For Intel Macs
    # or
    make config=release_arm64    # For Apple Silicon (M1/M2/M3) Macs

    The generated library file will be located in the root of the project directory.

Naming Conventions

Types and values follow the Odin Naming Convention. In general, Ada_Case for types and snake_case for values

Import Name snake_case (but prefer single word)
Types Ada_Case
Enum Values Ada_Case
Procedures snake_case
Local Variables snake_case


MIT License - See LICENSE file for details.


Bindings for Vulkan Memory Allocator in Odin Programming Language.








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