Made and tested in Löve2D v11.5
LoveToastify is a modified and updated version of Lucy van Sandwijk's Lövely Toasts library for Love2D. I've modified it to use the Slicy library as well as the SimpleLuaClasses snippet from the Lua User wiki. It now allows you to specify the font, change the background image of the toast, and the font color all within the show function.
Step 1: Place the "lovetoastify.lua" library somewhere in your source folder (e.g. "/lib/soupy.lua"), along with slicy.lua and class.lua
Step 2: Add a variable to require the library in your main.lua file:
require ("lovetoastify")
local loveToastify = LoveToastify()
Step 3: Call LoveToastify's draw and update functions
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
Step 4: Show a toast message!
loveToastify:show("This is a Lövely toast :)")
For best looking toasts, set t.window.msaa
in your conf.lua to 16
Other than the toast message you can also pass a duration and position
loveToastify:show("Lövely toast :)", 2, "top")
This will create a toast messsage at the top of the screen that appears for 2 seconds. Other options for the position are "middle", to put the toast in the center of the screen, "bottom", the default value, or a number for the Y position.
Or you can also pass in duration, position, font, color, and an image
loveToastify:show("Lövely toast :)", 2, "top", comicSans_font, { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, newPaneImage)
Doing so allows you to style the background image, the font and font color of the toast. This will create a toast similar to the previous one, but with the font set to Comic Sans, the color set to white and a new image supplied. The image is a 9Patch image. Allowing for textbox styled window graphics to be used if configured properly.
- loveToastify:setTapToDismiss(true|false) (set to false by default)
Allows user to tap or click on the toast message to dismiss it - loveToastify:setQueueEnabled(true|false) (set to false by default)
When set to true the toasts don't replace, but enter a queue so you can queue multiple toasts in a row
In order for loveToastify:tapToDismiss
to work you only need to implement Love's mousereleased for mouse and/or touchreleased for touch screens such a mobile devices.
function love.mousereleased(x, y, button)
loveToastify:onMouseReleased(x, y, button)
function love.touchreleased(id, x, y, dx, dy, pressure)
loveToastify:onTouchReleased(id, x, y, dx, dy, pressure)
To you for reading and/or using LoveToastify, to Lucy van Sandwijk for making Lövely Toasts, to wqferr for creating Slicy, to the Lua-User Wiki for it's wonderful community and the class snippet, and finally to Buch for making the panel used in the code.