- It comprises of several components of with glassmorphism effect.
- It has been built using HTML and CSS only.
- Contribution to this project is welcomed.
- Kindly check the issues that are already open and contribute to them.
- If you find any other changes to which you want to contribute, just open an issue regarding that.
- You can make a separate directory to contribute you files and projects.
- You can also contribute to existing projects and issues.
- Do not make spam contributions like adding a single line of code or removing white spaces, that will be considered as an invalid PR.
- You can also update your name in the contributors list in README.md.
- Yes, we are accepting contributions for hacktober fest 2022.
1.Fork this repo
2.Create a new folder/repository for your projects
3.Add useful/relevant content for the problem stated
4.Click on create pull request--> Contribute
5.Now, we will review the pull request and merge it. if finds it okay.